Dear Fellow Online Entrepreneur:
Don't get frustrated building your website!
Get How to Build HTML and start building your site today!
You know you've got to get online but how do you build your website? You're an entrepreneur, not a programmer!
Here's the problem:
• You need to publish your website but you don't know HTML.
• There are resources out there like FrontPage and Dreamweaver that can help you build your website but you still need to know at least the HTML basics.
• Where do you turn for easy, concise information?... you get the picture.
Here's the solution:
Your Website Name's How to Build HTML presents both basic and advanced HTML commands you can use to help you build your website. You can even download templates to help you learn the commands!
• 18 chapters of basic and advanced HTML commands
• There are real world examples for you to model and use
• Get free templates to help you with your programming.
• Understand what you need to know about HTML.
And, because How to Build HTML is part of Your Website Name, you get instant resell rights.
• Keep 100% of the profits!
It doesn't stop there!
• You also get commissions from 'back-end' products featured within How to Build HTML!
Wow! All that?! Yes! All for just $20.00!
If you are not completely satisfied or, even if you just changed your mind, I'll personally refund your purchase. You've got 30 days to give How to Build HTML a try. If, at the end of 30 days, you'd like to return it, you'll cheerfully give your money back, no questions asked. You've got nothing to loose!
To use How to Build HTML you'll need a Microsoft Windows PC. If you're interested in How to Build HTML and you don't have a Windows based PC, e-mail us at YourWebsiteName.com Support and let us know what kind of a system you have and we'll keep you posted.
Here's what you get all for only $20.00:
• 18 chapters of basic and advanced HTML commands
• There are real world examples for you to model and use
• Get free templates to help you with your programming.
• Understand what you need to know about HTML.
• Resell How to Build HTML and keep 100% of the profits!
• You also get commissions from 'back-end' products featured within How to Build HTML!