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So, if somebody used your “make money product” and made $200 in one week, they are going to have to, without revealing any of the product itself, go into detail as to what they did, the hours they worked, the money they spent and so on...full disclosure. Otherwise, you can’t use results based testimonials UNLESS you can show typical results.
Now, this is what I would do.
Get as many great testimonials as you can. Truth is, one or two aren’t going to carry much weight anyway. Try to get at least 8 to 12 of them. If that means giving away tons of product, do it.
Then, what you do in the copy, after the testimonials, is this.
“If you’ve read all the above testimonials, then you know how many people have had amazing success with this product. But here’s the bad news and somebody has to be straight with you.
The typical person is going to do absolutely nothing with this product. They’ll make a half baked effort or simply let it sit around collecting dust. In short, most people get nothing out of this because of themselves.”
If you’re the typical person, don’t get this product. Save your money and go spend it on a haircut or something. It w'on’t last long but at least you’ll get something out of it.
But...if you’re not the typical person and honestly use the product as it’s meant to be used, you have a better than average chance of getting some good results. Maybe not like the people above, as they are not the norm, but results just the same.”
You can play around with the wording. Just make sure the general sentiment is there.
Will this copy perform as well as the hype and promises ridden copy of days passed? Probably not, but it’s going to keep you from getting fined out of your shorts.