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Let's say whenever your friend pats you on the back, you whistle a happy tune. You did this every time.
Next time when you want him to pat you on the back, all you've got to do is whistle that same happy tune. He won't even be aware that you've programmed him to do it every time he hears that tune.
This takes a little more practice though; but once you've accomplished it, you're in big business. Be forewarned! Never intentionally apply anchors to manipulate other people. Create an anchor in low-risk situations.
Put anchors to good use. A manager of a company would always say in a loud enthusiastic voice "Fantastic Job!" to anyone who has performed beyond his expectations. Due to his encouragement, that manager’s department is the most satisfied and motivated in the whole company.
Every time they hear the manager say "Fantastic Job!" to anyone in the office, they would remember the happy and fulfilled feeling when they were the ones being congratulated. That would then motivate the staff to do their very best.