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Welcome to the wireless revolution! If you’re new to the 4G wireless age, don’t worry. This is a great opportunity to learn about this technology and how it applies to business today. But, we understand that you do know business – and advertising. And, you certainly know how important advertising is to your business.
Like any business owner, advertising is an expense to your bottom line. So, it’s important to spend your advertising dollars to your greatest advantage. And as technology changes, advertising strategies and tools must change, too.
This book is designed to help you begin advertising to mobile phone users that are taking advantage of 4G technology. This technology gives them access to the internet, fast downloads, and streaming audio and video in addition to their voice and text messaging capabilities.
Even if you have a website and advertise via the internet, you may not be convinced that mobile advertising is right for your business. Following are some statistics that might change your mind.
• Nielsen Mobile, which reports on trends in the wireless industry said that, back in May 2008, 15.6 percent of mobile subscribers in the US made regular use of the mobile Internet on their devices. As of January 2012 that number has increased to 69% of mobile phone users accessing the Internet daily on their mobile phones!
• 95 million mobile users in the US are paying for internet access on their mobile phones, but they do not use it regularly, according to this same report.
• Nielsen also reports that these mobile customers most often use their mobile internet connection to visit websites – even more frequently than they use it to access email.
• Yahoo reports that it expects that by 2017 more users will access the internet via their mobile phones than via their home or business PC’s.
• eMarketer reports that even older baby boomers (those aged 54-62) access the internet at least once per month, meaning that internet marketing truly appeals to all ages.
• eMarketer also reports that in the UK, restaurant advertising on mobile phones grew 67% in the year up to July 2012, and clothing ads on mobile phones grew by 57.2%.
• This same report in eMarketer reports that the restaurant ads sent to mobile phones reported a 15.5% response rate. These ads utilized SMS messaging technology, rather than web browsing.
Hopefully, the statistics above have convinced you that advertising via cell phones is the wave of the future. It’s doubtful that you can boast a 15% response rate to any ad you’ve placed in the yellow pages, on a billboard or via direct mail. But, you may not yet understand how to take on this advertising venue, or what methods and resources are actually out there.
It is the goal of this e-book to provide basic information about marketing to the cell phone user, taking advantage of the new features and functions of 4G technology. Hopefully, we’re going to help you get creative about marketing your business to technologically savvy users.
In the pages ahead, we’ll take a look at 4G itself, including what features 4G offers wireless users. We’ll also look at how business users today are taking advantage of these features that 4G offers to make them more productive at work and at home.
This book will offer ideas and suggestions, as well as give you case studies about how these advertising methods have already been proven in the marketplace. You’ll probably be surprised at how many companies are already catering to the wireless user, offering ads on frequently visited websites and sending coupons via text messaging.
We’ll also offer you insight into the hottest applications available today and how they are being used or might be used to the advertiser’s advantage.
There’s a lot of food for thought in the coming pages. It’s all designed to make you think about advertising your business in a very different way. It is our hope that these ideas and suggestions make your business successful and prepare it for the future of advertising in wireless technology.
Many of today’s business people may remember early cell phones. They were heavy, bulky devices that worked only in your car – and then only sporadically, since there were more holes in coverage than there was coverage itself. Boy, have we come a long way. Today’s phones are lightweight, pocket sized, and calling them mere phones seems like an understatement of great proportions.
Today’s cell phones provide us regular wireless phone service, allow us quick text messaging, display our emails, provide gaming and surf the internet. Many also offer push to talk capability to reduce our costs in talking to those whom we chat with frequently. All in all, our cell phones have become a business necessity – serving our needs far beyond verbal communication. Most of us take our wireless devices with us everywhere.
And, what’s even more exciting about how the extent to which wireless phone capabilities have increased is the fact that the cost of purchasing a cell phone and of paying for service has not risen dramatically enough over the years to deter business people or consumers. Today, nearly everyone has a cell phone – even children. Industry experts estimate that cell phone penetration has reached nearly 100% in the United States.
Wireless companies have created packages aimed at businesses to ensure that a company is willing to pay for phones for nearly every employee. And, family plans have made equipping every member of the family, right down to the elementary age child, affordable. In fact, today many families have foregone the landline home phone entirely in favor of a cell phone for every family member with a rate plan that allows them unlimited calling to every member of the family. In addition, wireless carriers have made “unlimited texting” plans so affordable that these are purchased by most business and consumer users.
Finally, the newest generation of phones, “smart phones” are a revolution in themselves. These phones have richer displays and are designed with more of a browser in mind. They also can support many different applications. There are applications available today, and you can bet that many more are in development. So, if you haven’t considered advertising your business via wireless devices, now’s the time. In short, cell phones are the perfect new advertising vehicle because:
• Nearly everyone carries a cell phone
• Many users subscribe to text messaging and internet
• There are a wide variety of additional applications that can be used for advertisers
If you haven’t yet thought about advertising your business via your customers’ wireless devices, this book can help you get started. In the next chapters, we’ll explore the possibilities of advertising on mobile phones more in depth. We’ll examine the new face of the technologically savvy business user as well as look at companies that have already begun to use wireless advertising strategies to their advantage. You’re sure to come away with many new ideas to help improve your connection with your customers.