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How NOT To Be a One-Hit Wonder2
Youdon't want to become one of those many one hit wonders that make a big splash on the Internet and then vanish –but how do you make sure that you're not?
Because it's really easy to say you won't be, but the fact is that no one PLANS to be a one hit wonder; in fact it happens when you DON'T plan.
I'm going to offer some tips here for ensuring that your success is not the flash in the pan variety, but rather the type of success that continues to pay off day in and day out for years to come.
Really what we are talking about is becoming what you might call a “repeat success.” Because isn't that the opposite of being a one hit wonder? There is nothing at all wrong with that initial success –it's repeating that success over and over that gets you the outcome you're seeking. Sort of like being a one hit wonder a hundred or even several hundred times. And when you view it like this, you see that it becomes easier.
The first thing I'm going to recommend will sound too easy, perhaps, but it's extremely important that you try it out for the next 21 days. I say 21 days, because psychologists say it takes that long to make a new habit. Plus, it gives you the proper chance to evaluate the results and see that what I'mtelling you is profound, to say the least.
Okay, are you ready? The first thing you need to do to ensure you have ongoing success is to pick a number from 2 to 5, and then do that many things in your business everyday.
Let's say you are a super busy person with a full time job and a young family, so you don't have much time to devote to your online business. Your number is going to be 2, because you're only going to have time to do 2 things a day. If you're working online full time, your number is 5. Andif you're in between, you can determine the right number for you.
Now then, every evening you're going to make a list of the most important things you need to accomplish the following day in your business. If your number is 2, then write down the 2 things you want to do. If your number is 5, then you'll list the 5 things.
Obviously, you're not going to choose 5 really big things like “build a new website,” “create a new product,” etc. Instead, you'll break down your tasks so that they're manageable and doable in the time allotted. And then you're going to do those things, no matter what. As in, NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS.
Doing the things on your list take priority over your favorite TV shows, eating out, etc. These things are as important as brushing your teeth and sleeping, and once you realize that then you're not arguing with yourself on whether or not to do them, you're simply DOING them.
I told you this would seem too simple –does it? Because this one technique will do more for you than almost anything else. Certainly it will allow you to accomplish more than any self-help seminar you could attend, or any time management tool you could use. The list technique is not new, it's old and it's proven and you know what else? It flat out WORKS. So if you're not already doing it, then I encourage you with all my heart to start using this method now, today, right this very moment.
A word of caution –I see students of Internet Marketing get very excited and say something like, “I am going to do TEN things every day!” But this is a trap. What happens is you get burned out and in less than 21 days you're not doing ANYTING in your business because it just became too overwhelming, too time consuming and too much like WORK. And isn't that what so many of us are trying to escape, the drudgery of WORK?
So don't fall into that trap. If you have lots of hours in your day then choose the number 5, do those 5 things in the morning and early afternoon, and then TAKE THE REST OF THE DAY OFF. That's right –do not allow yourself to get burned out because you will find that your biggest asset in your business is actually your enthusiasm for the business.
Also, do take a day off. Not 2 days, at least not in the beginning, because if you take 2 days off those 2 days often become 3, and then 4, and then you're not doing anything. But you can take one day off and go do something totally unrelated to your online business, and come back refreshed and re-energized the next day.
My second tip for ensuring you have long term success is so simple, and yet few people understand the power of it. Ready? It's to FINISH WHAT YOU START. If you start creating a product, finish it and then promote it. It's not finished until you get it out there and promote it. If you're writing a blog, set a schedule and keep to it. True, your blog will never be “finished,” but if you stop writing then it's as good as an unfinished project.
Look, I probably sound like your father on this one. “Son, you've got to learn to finish what you start.” Why do you suppose your father said that? Frankly, he probably said it because HIS father said it, but there is a terrific amount of wisdom behind that thought.
First of all, if you don't finish what you start then you have wasted your time and energy on that project. Second, you receive nothing in return for your effort –you can't make sales and earn money on a product you didn't finish.