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Motivation is perhaps one of the topics that is the least understood, yet most studied and talked about of our human traits. Yet there is no action we ever take that is not guided, persuaded and/or altered in some way by motivation.
Whether it's about gaining or losing weight, holding on to or saying goodbye to smoking, attending a business seminar or even buying new clothing… your every decision is influenced by your own internal motivational factors.
You know, even reading this book is being guided by your motivation. If you are really, truly interested in the subject matter and have a burning desire to learn how to become a successful entrepreneur, you will likely finish this in one sitting.
Being motivated or not being motivated makes the crucial difference between incredible success and disappointment for entrepreneurs. Basically, your motivation emerges from two sources… external and internal.
External motivation comes from outside sources like data, prices, success stories of similar people, etc. In contrast, internal motivation comes out from your own dreams, thoughts, desires, passions and even personal habits and shared experiences.
All human beings are very unique, as you are aware. And something that deeply inspires someone else may not influence you in the least (and vice versa). Therefore, it's still going to be you and only you who can determine what really works the best where motivating yourself is concerned.
You need to ask yourself what internal and external factors that are motivating you to become a business owner. And of course, only you know the exact steps you needed to boost up your own motivational levels in order to make your business become a reality and get it going a lot faster.