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There I stood, staring frustrated in front of my bathroom mirror, once again trying to flex my scrawny toothpick of an arm in hopes of seeing SOME signs of progress for all of my hard work at the gym. My hopes dashed once again, I left the house for my monthly trek to the local grocery store and bought the bodybuilding magazine that had the largest “mutant” pro bodybuilder I could find on the front cover.
Running home into my bedroom as excited as a 13-year-old boy who just found his mom’s Victoria’s Secret catalog in the mailbox, I thumbed through it, desperately searching for something (hell ANYTHING!) that would give me some clue as to what I was doing wrong with my weight training. I breezed past every single article giving me the same old advice…“eat this much protein”…“do this bench press for this many reps”…yeah, yeah, yeah…blah, blah, blah…bought that supplement…didn’t work…bought that one…didn’t work…didn’t buy that one…” You get the picture.
And then I saw it!
It was a small ad in the back of the classified section that read:
Tired of trying to flex toothpick arms in front of your bathroom mirror?
We have the natural anabolic compounds that will finally help you achieve massive amounts of muscle with no side effects.
Legal Steroids!
Call now ### - ### - ####
It was as if the ad were speaking directly to ME! And here was the best part…the number to call was actually located in MY home town!
I immediately picked up the phone and dialed. I spoke to a guy who answered the phone. He seemed cool enough…so I stuttered with excitement as I told him about my frustration with not being able to build as much muscle as I wanted to.
I told him that I saw his ad and, ironically, I noticed that I lived in the same city as him, and I asked him where his company was located.
I couldn’t believe it when he told me. He was only 3 BLOCKS AWAY!
When I told him I was right around the corner, he was as surprised as I was…and then he asked me to “come on over” and he would “hook me up” with some serious supplements that would finally do the trick!
I jumped in my car and drove straight to the address he gave me. Expecting to arrive at a small manufacturing building or business park, I was more than a little shocked when I pulled up to a SINGLE STORY HOUSE in my residential neighborhood. I sat there scratching my head, trying to determine if I had heard him correctly or maybe I jotted down the wrong number in my haste to take him up on his personal invitation before it was retracted.
Confused, I walked up and rang the doorbell and was soon greeted by a ripped giant, still in his workout clothes, and wearing a telephone headset on his head.
He motioned to me to come in as he was talking with (undoubtedly) another frustrated hardgainer on the other end of the line desperately searching for the same solution I was. I listened intently as I walked into the living room of the “supplement company” and took a seat on the couch he motioned me over to.
I listened intently as he “made the sale” to the other guy on the line and jotted down his order and credit card number.
“The total will be $113.56. Will that be MasterCard or Visa?”
Wow, I thought. I hope I’m able to walk out of here holding on to more of last week’s paycheck that THAT guy!
When he finished his sale and had hung up, he extended a cheerful hand and greeted me with a big smile and said, “C’mon Jeff…follow me!”
I walked behind him to a small room connected to the living room and found a large table on which there were small bins, some cardboard boxes with pictures of cows on it, some funnels, and a strange metal machine.
“Welcome to my ‘production facility’!” he said.
“This is it?” I replied in shock.
“Yep…that’s all it takes!” he said, beaming proudly over his work.
He then proceeded to take me on the “Grand Tour” of the inside of his own sports supplement manufacturing, marketing and distribution center…all located within the 100 square foot room we stood in!
He explained that he was a competitive bodybuilder (no one famous), and that there was a LOT of money to be made in marketing supplements to the hungry masses since he could charge as much as he wanted to regardless of what was actually in the bottles he was shipping out.
I think he could see the hesitation in my eyes because he quickly added, “don’t worry…I have the good stuff over here. I told you I’d hook you up, didn’t I?”
In the end, I left with a $57 bottle of pills (encapsulated with that strange metal machine on the table from bulk ingredients, no doubt intended for horses or cows or something), and you know what? I made gains!
And…I had made a friend that would go on to teach me the most valuable in secrets of supplementation unknown to the masses that were frothing at the mouth to buy the next latest and greatest mass building, ab revealing, testosterone boosting compounds as fast as these “companies” could get the package in the mail!
In fact, in the weeks and months that followed, I continued to go over to my new “friend’s” house to broaden my knowledge of the “secrets” of supplementation… I watched him go from his “mass building” phase right up into his pre-contest “dieting” phase, all the while, popping pill after pill that would bring him closer and closer to the body that would draw stares of awe on stage.