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5 Productivity Hacks for Home Busi-nesses
Getting things done when you’re trying to work from home is sometimes more challenging than you’d expect. It’s not only easy to get distracted, but it’s easy to forget that you’re there to work. That’s why so much of productivity starts with your own attitude, and how you set yourself up for success throughout the day.
Here are several productivity hacks to get you started.
1. Get dressed- all the way down to your shoes. Nothing sends a negative mes-sage to your brain faster than you trying to work in your pajamas. If you’re dressed for sleep, your brain is going to be thinking its bedtime – regardless of how many hours of sleep you’ve had the night before. While you might not need to wear a suit and tie to get yourself in the mindset of work – don’t discount the possibility. You’re trying to train your mind to think of your home as your work-space. In order to do that you need to wear clothes that will tell you it’s time for work. And why shoes? Shoes tell us we’re ready to go somewhere. Wearing shoes is a subtle psychological shift in thinking that you’re ready to get things done.
2. Turn off your phone. Unless you need it for work, it’s only going to be a distrac-tion. Not only will social media be a constant temptation, but also constant no-tices of new email, new text messages, and status updates will take you out of the moment and make it harder to get started again. Try setting times to check your phone for messages and turn it off in between when you need to get things done. 5 RRW
3. Create your workspace. Make sure you have a place to work that’s conducive for work. If clutter distracts you, then keep your desk clear. If you’re working on the couch, do you have an adjustable laptop stand to keep your keyboard at the optimal height? Do you have a decent desk chair to sit in that is ergonomically friendly to your back? You’ll get a lot more done if you’re comfortable than if you’re fighting with the furniture trying to get comfortable.
4. Don’t forget to eat. Working from home wreaks havoc with your personal schedule. But skipping meals will lead to reduced productivity and poor health. Also, don’t get in the habit of grabbing what’s quick. Going through a box of Pop-Tarts might keep your sugar up all afternoon, but you can be guaranteed a crash later on, not to mention a body that won’t thank you for that treatment later.
5. Keep in touch. Working from home can get really isolating. Maintain friend-ships and work from a coffee shop once in a while. Get out of the house. This helps keep you sharp mentally and more able to get things done when you sit down to work.
Productivity really starts with you. By taking care of yourself and putting some ef-fort into your work environment, you’ll be better able to be more productive in your work day.
6 Brilliant Ways to Boost Your Productiv-ity as an Online Entrepreneur
While working from home seems like the ideal place to get things done, some-times it’s really easy to get caught up in the distractions that come with being at home. It’s not always easy to buckle down and get stuff done, especially when it’s a nice day and your dog is just dying to spend some time with you and that old tennis ball he’s found.
What are some quick and easy ways to stay on task?
1. Take two minutes. While two-minutes doesn’t sound like a lot of time to get things done, two-minute tasks come up more often than you think. It usually takes less than two minutes to write an email, for example. Or to text back a re-sponse to a client. When you find you have those two-minute tasks, don’t put them off for later. Just do them now and get them over with. Then you don’t have them hanging over your head, and you can feel super-productive for getting something done.
2. Schedule a meeting. When you started working from home, you might have thought that you'd escaped the corporate meeting mindset. But sometimes a se-ries of emails or texts isn't sufficient to get the idea across. Rather than waste time trying to explain in text, schedule a phone meeting where you can handle questions, and discuss key points that otherwise might be missed. You’ll wind up saving a lot of time in the long run. 7 RRW
3. Find a tool to help. Can’t stay on track? Need something to help you break down a bigger project? There are various apps for that. For anything from task managers to motivation, you can find it in the app store. Everyone is different, so it might take a little experimentation to find the one that works best for you.
4. Keep the distractions. Not everyone can work in an absolutely silent atmos-phere. You might find you need some white noise in the background to be more productive. While using the TV is generally a poor idea (as it gets distracting) you might find you work best with some music playing. Again, experimentation is key.
5. If you’re on the computer a lot – try keyboard shortcuts. While the time saved here might be somewhat minimal, the idea behind keyboard shortcuts is great. You’ll find you’re getting a lot more done, much quicker the less you have to take your hands off the keyboard and go to the mouse.
6. Allow yourself some time. In other words, why not take that ball and throw it for Fido for ten minutes. Working from home is supposed to give you the flexibil-ity to do stuff when you want to – so long as you make up the time later on.
Staying productive is usually a pretty simple matter of just being mindful of where and how you use your time. Using these techniques will help you stay on track, and keep you getting things done throughout your day.
An Intro to the Pomodoro Technique—Save Your Time and Sanity
The Pomodoro Technique was invented by a then-university student, Francesco Cirillo. He named it after the kitchen timer he used to track his times – a timer in the shape of a tomato. (Pomodoro is Italian and means ‘tomato.’)
The idea of the Pomodoro Technique is to take large, time-consuming tasks and block them into time slots, with breaks in between, to improve attention span. Simply by using this method, you can improve your concentration and even lengthen your attention span when you use it consistently.
Pomodoro is very simple:
When you’re ready to work on a task, set your timer for 25 minutes. For these 25 minutes, you will focus solely on your task. You won’t check email, texts or an-swer the phone. Pure attention is to be given to the task you’ve committed these minutes to.
When the timer goes off, take a five-minute break. Get up, walk around, try to clear your head of the project. If you've been looking at a computer screen, try to do something different during breaks. Doing this will give your brain the real break it needs so when you go back to work, it feels refreshed, which means you’ll have better focus on the task. 9 RRW