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Everybody loves those perky little gymnasts— they spin, they twist, and sometimes they even fall flat on their butts. But what do they always do next? They jump up and throw their arms back with a huge smile. They seem to be saying, "Wow, wasn't that fun?" And yes I know— gymnasts are a strange breed. But you have to admit that their sunny optimism is sort of infectious. I think we can learn something from their attitude.
Not only have they devoted their entire lives to becoming flexible whirling dervishes of manic energy, they have schooled themselves to maintain their composure when things go woefully wrong. And yes, I know that they don't especially mean "Yay! Look at me; I just fell on my backside. Wasn't that great!" when they throw their arms back, but it sure sounds better than "I worked my tail off for four years, and now I'm lost the medal and shamed myself in front of millions of viewers. I'll go back to room and cry now."
It would be easy to claim that these crazed little pixies are the very definition of denial, but that would be an overly pessimistic view! Instead, I think they have hit upon an alternate reality. They seem to be saying that there will always be a tomorrow. There is always going to be another meet, another contest, another meal to prepare. Scarlett was right, "tomorrow is another day", and I think we can learn something here.
Heck, we've adjusted our expectations, we've done the proper amount of planning, and we've attempted to communicate with our family and friends and yet... and yet things have still blown up in our face like one of those exploding cigars from those old cartoons. So now what do we do? Should we go back to our room and cry?
I don't think so! Now is the time, and I mean that right now is the time, to focus on your next dinner, that next party, the next gathering of your clan. Pick yourself off of the mat, throw your arms back behind your head, and then ask yourself what went wrong this time? Could your failure have been helped, or had fate merely decided to rain upon your parade? Next year, is there a way to prevent what happened this year?
Just as importantly, do not neglect to consider what went right this time. Which steps worked? Which family members pitched in and helped the process along? Would they do it again? These are the steps that you'll need to repeat next time.
Now is definitely the time to have a selective memory. You hit your mark, you sprang into the air, you did your flips, and the crowd roared... and then something bad happened, but you've already blocked that part out. Instead, you will remember the parts that worked, the happiness that you gained, and the joy that you found.
You can do this; you can! Just focus on taking one step at a time, and make sure that you don't decide to quit when the first couple of steps go badly or when Uncle Harold imbibes too much nog and gets all sloppydrunk on your guests. You can do this, you have to do this; your family's lives might just depend on it!