Ebook Sample Content Preview:
At the heart of any blog is the actual content contained in it.
A blog without good content is pretty useless, as I'm sure you'll agree.
Good content is what makes people engaged with your blog. It's why they found you in the first place and it's why they'll keep coming back...
So - filling your blog with great content is absolutely essential - and that means making regular blog posts.
As we touched on earlier, the great thing about a hobby blog is that you should already have a got knowledge of your subject - and because you're part of target audience you should know the type of information YOU want to read, what people want to know, hot topics in your niche etc.
If you DO ever struggle to know what to write about then have a read through your favourite hobby magazine. That should give you plenty of ideas for blog posts...
Don't copy of course but take the idea, rewrite in your own words and add your own thoughts and opinions or experiences.
Another good place to look is online forums and even other blogs.
If you can, try to base each blog post around a particular keyword, which should go some way towards getting your posts indexed by the search engines.