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Pearls carry a meaning. Historically, the glowing white orbs have been associated with the moon. With the high luster and deep color of pearls, it is no wonder that these natural gemstones have been held in such high regard for thousands of years. So giving pearl jewelry to your lady is a good idea…assuming said lady loves pearls. There are some things that you need to know about pearls, however, before you buy.
Pearls are produced in both salt and fresh water, but the difference is astounding. Usually, the salt water variety of pearls are of a better quality and are also more expensive than pearls found in fresh water; however, the choice between fresh water and salt water pearls is completely personal.
You can easily tell the difference between a fresh water and salt water pearl by its appearance. Salt water pearls are—or should be—completely round, while fresh water pearls have a lumpy, potato-like shape. Usually, fresh water pearls are described as off-round, egg, or Baroque, and come with a more affordable price tag due to this irregular shape.
Imitation pearls are a different story altogether. In most cases, a glass bead is dipped into a solution made from fish scales. This coating is thin and may eventually wear off. You can usually tell an imitation by biting on it. Fake pearls glide across your teeth, while the layers of nacre on real pearls feel gritty.
Pearls are timeless and versatile that can be worn on any point of age and occasions as they are always in fashion. From a little girl to a woman of eighty, every one is equally impressed and lured by the charm of pure pearls as it looks beautiful on every one. It is the only gem which makes women drool over it.