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Chapter 4: Live From Love Not From Fear
Love is a wonderful thing and you should take every chance you can to experience and spread it. If the world had more love in it there would not be nearly as much chaos as there is on a daily basis. Sadly it seems that we have lost our ways and people no longer know how to love one another and live their everyday lives in fear.
This concept can also be applied to a person’s higher power. It is important to not live out of fear from your higher power but rather live out of love for your higher power and fellow humanity.
The following chapter will go over the importance of living your life for your higher power from love and not from fear and some examples of ways in which you can do so.
Learn to Love
The power of love is enormous. Think about all of the things that love has made you do in the past. Some of them might have been a little crazy or poor decisions, right? If love has the power to make you do things that you would not normally do it surely has the power to help us live our life in a proper manner and to serve our higher power. You are more likely to succeed in establishing a connection and building a relationship with your higher power if you are doing it out of love and not out of fear. As well, your higher power will notice and it appreciate your actions more if they are out of love and not fear. You may be wondering why. Here is an example, think of a child who is only behaving because they fear discipline if they are seen, so as soon as you leave the room they misbehave. Now on the other hand, a child that is behaving out of love will continue to behave even after you leave the room. This shows that the child is behaving because they know it is right and not only because they do not want to be disciplined. The same idea can be applied to the relationship between you and your higher power.
An example of something that some people do out of fear for their higher power is attending religious services. You should not attend these services because you are afraid of your higher power disapproving of your absence. You should be there because you want to and because you love your higher power. The same goes for those who participate in certain charities or other community help programs because they fear what others might think if they don’t. Although the simple fact that they are participating is a great thing it would be much better if it was out of love.
Besides all of that, you should never fear your higher power. Your higher power is full of nothing but love for you and wants nothing but the best for you. Half of it comes down to you though because your higher power can only point out the way, it is your job to follow it.
Chapter 5: Live in the Here and Now
No matter what you have done is the past, you must let it go. You are a good person and you have ample potential. With the help of your higher power you can surely brighten the outlook of your future. But, if you ever want things to get better in your life you are going to have to learn how to let go of the past.
It is important to fully analyze situations and take in all things including your surroundings. You need to understand that a situation is real no matter what type of decision you are making and this is a form of living in the here and now.
The following chapter will go over the importance of living in the here and now and provide you with some ways in which you can let go of the past and begin analyzing situations as much as possible in order to strengthen the connection between you and your higher power and keep you on a spiritual path.
Let the Past Go!
The past will surely do nothing but hold you back if you dwell on it and this is not healthy for you if you are trying to establish a connection with your higher power. You need to learn how to live in the here and now and the following are six steps that will help you to learn this skill.
Become a Minimalist
Learning to be a minimalist will teach you to let go of everything besides what is absolutely essential to your life. This is especially useful when it comes to getting rid of items that remind us of the past.
Be Happy
Although it may not always be easy, it is important to smile. No matter what happens in your day it is important that you take it in stride. Keep in mind that whatever doesn’t kill us only makes us stronger and that there are people out there who are going through situations worse than yours. You have probable had times that were not that great in the past but you got passed the speed bump. Nothing is worth being an emotional wreck about so try to smile as much as you can.
Learn to Appreciate Each Day
Learning to appreciate each day is a great way of learning how to live in the here and now. No one is guaranteed to live to the next day so every morning you open your eyes in bed you should be truly grateful. Take a look out of a window or step outside and take a moment to appreciate all of the beautiful creations in life your higher power has blessed you with.
Forgive Past Hurts
Do not hold on to anger from the past. Holding resentments does nothing but damage your own health, spirituality, and daily life.
When you forgive someone for past hurts, you need to understand that it is something that is done for you and not for the person you are forgiving. Release yourself and forgive the past!