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It's one thing to think about what you can achieve. It's another thing entirely to pull it off. A lot of marketers experience this first hand when it comes to high ticket sales. You only need to visit an affiliate marketing forum to see this in action.
People talk a big game about how much money they make with affiliate marketing. Some marketers boast that they were able to generate 3 figure or even 5 or 6 figure sales. What they're not telling you is that these happen only once in a while.
Let's face it, most of us can land a big sale every once in a while. That's not the issue. I don't care how much of a rookie you are. If you put in the time, focus and energy, you will be able to land a decent sale.
Whether it's $500, $5,000 or even $15,000, it doesn't matter in the long run. Why? It's all about sustainability. That is the name of the game and that's why you have to land high ticket sales consistently.
The problem is most marketers fail to do this for a variety of reasons. Here are the 5 most common reasons why they can't land high ticket sales consistently or they can't do them at all.
Reason #1: They don't even try
When people get into affiliate marketing, they get really excited. In fact, they're so excited that even if they make $1 in affiliate sales, that's enough to pump them up. They end up thinking about their next dollar sale and then the next buck after that.
I know this is awesome and everything, but too many stay at that level. They just focus on collecting the small stuff. They're clueless about the existence of high ticket sales. These are affiliate sales where you make $500, $1,000, $5,000 or even tens of thousands of dollars per sale.
For too many affiliate marketers, the whole online sales game is all aboutvolume and nothing else. They're more than content to make $10, $20, or at most, a couple hundred of dollars with each sale. As long as they make enough of these sales, they're more than happy.
The sad reality is they don't even try to figure out how high ticket sales work. If they're going to put in all this work to generate $1, why not put in that same amount of time, focus and dedication to produce $1,000 or $10,000?
It's all about maximizing your return on effort. If you want to get a clear and effective blueprint for generating high ticket sales, click here.
Reason #2: They fail to segment niches
Let's get real here. Not all niches are worth the same. If you are pushing affiliate products, you know full well that some niches are focused on low ticket items. We're talking about products that rarely exceed $100.
If you try to push a product beyond that price point, good luck getting any sales. Customers in that niche have fixed expectations regarding the price range they're working with. Operateout of this price range and you're not going to make too many sales.
In fact in many cases, you're not going to generate any sales at all. Niches are not one and the same. Some niches pay quite a bit of money because the people looking for those productsand services are prepared and eager to spend that kind of money.
The vast majority of other niches, however, don't pay all that well. Now, a lot of affiliate marketers think that this is perfectly fine because they would just make up for it in terms of volume. Here's the problem.
If you're in a niche where it's fairly easy to convert traffic into cash, what do you think will happen? That's right. There will be other affiliate marketers there and there will be competitor saturation. Think of many people fishing at the same fishing hole. It doesn't matter how many fishes there are in the water. Eventually, there will be too many fishermen and not enough fish.
You have to segment your niche correctly. But for this to happen, you have to first find the righthigh value niches to market to.
Reason #3: They fail to see high end opportunities within a niche
Even with invaluable niches, it's very easy to lose motivation. You know that people buy high ticket items in your niche. Here's the problem. Not all the people interested in that niche are ready to commit today.