Ebook Sample Content Preview:
Creating a Brand
The sales page on its own can be effective and if you send people to it with some advertising it might lead to some conversions. The great thing about this is that you are earning a lot of profit per sale which means you can afford to spend more on your advertising campaign and therefore fend off the competition.
However, you’ll have a lot more luck if you also introduce a sales funnel. Basically, you need to recognize that one of your biggest obstacles is trust. Remember: you’re communicating with people who have never heard of you before and you’re asking them to spend thousands of dollars for the privilege of listening to you speak. Why should they? How do they know that you aren’t a complete fraud?
With a sales funnel then, your objective is to build that trust and to create a name for yourself very quickly with those individuals that you’re going to sell to.
At the most basic level this means creating a popular blog that you’re then going to use to promote your products and to sell your high ticket items. A blog is basically going to act like a ‘free taster’ and give people a demonstration of what you’re capable of. So someone searches for information on how to make money online, then they find your blog, then they read a post and they think it’s amazing. Then they see your high ticket item and they become much more likely to buy it right away. Why? Because they’ve seen what you can do for them for free. Imagine what you can do for $2,000?
Alternatively, your visitor might not decide to buy anything right away but may instead come back and read your blog a few more times in future. In doing this, they may eventually decide to subscribe and to become a longterm fan, or they might just seek you out whenever they want information on that topic. This then makes them even more likely to buy from you. To make the most from this process you need to create a strong brand which should be consistent on your blog as well as social media. If you notice the examples we looked at in chapter three, you’ll notice that those sellers mainly used ‘personal brands’. This means that they sold products predominantly on the strength of their own real name. Personal brands can be very effective because they let your customers get to know you and to feel as though they have a personal relationship. If you’re willing to put your name and face on the web, then this is a much better option than being a faceless organization.