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The thought of walking through a garden on a warm summer day brings back childhood memories once forgotten. To think of walking in an herb garden, with the delicate scents wafting up with each step is something out of a fairy tale. You can create your own fairy tale setting right in the back yard.
There are so many things to consider when you decide to plant an herb garden. The first is location. You need to remember that most of the plants in this garden are going to be used in the kitchen. The best place to put them would be by the kitchen.
It is always best to choose a section in the yard close to the door. You may want to have the fresh herbs available for cooking but easy access is always a key role in how many of them actually make it to the stewing pot. When the herbs are right within walking distance of the kitchen you are more likely to run out and pick a few leaves to use. If you have to go all the way to the back of the yard, you may not feel so inclined to add that particular flavoring to your dish.
You do not need acres of land to have a fantastic herb garden. You can have more than enough space for the most common herbs in a five foot square area. You must remember the fact that herbs tend to spread rapidly when growing. You can start out with five feet and within a few short months have the entire section full.
A sunny location is a good choice for your herb garden. One that gets partial shade in the afternoon is best. Herbs love the sun, but too much can make them wither or sprout up and go to seed quickly. Once an herb goes to seed, it can become woody. However when you do not allow the plant to have the light of the full sun, you can have spindly little plants. This is not what you want in an herb garden.
Along with proper growth is the essential oils that give the herbs their wonderful flavors and aromas. In the full sun the plants are able to develop luscious green foliage and intense oils. The flavors will come bursting out when you use them in the kitchen.