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Chapter 6: Body Detox With Herbs
Bad eating habits and poor lifestyle practices will eventually lead to a serious level of negative elements store in the body over time. These elements also known as toxins can cause serious damage, which can and will eventually lead to illnesses, ailments, and diseases.
Addressing this critical issue is of utmost urgency, and doing it with the help of herbs is a prudent choice to make. This is because herbs are natural compounds and will not further add to any existing negative conditions.
Clean Up The Body
While some herbs are smooth others can be rough on the body, thus it is always better to start off with the gentler choice when attempting a detox session.
Psyllium is an herb derived from the seed of a fleawort plant. When in contact with liquid it expands. Psyllium is ideal for cleaning out the intestines by removing the toxins. Because of its high fiber content it also assists in "scrubbing" the digestive system effectively. However as this herb tends to absorb a lot of liquid, it is important to drink a lot of water when choosing to use this method of detox.
Aloe vera juice is also great for the digestive system as it works to kill the parasites, yeast, bacteria, and viruses. The laxative effect it helps stimulate is for detox purposes.
Cascara sagrada has long been used in ancient traditional concoctions for its detox qualities. It not only functions as an effective laxative but also helps ease constipation problems. However because this herb is rather strong, it is not advisable to use it for longer that one week.
Fennel seed is also another herb popularly used in detox exercises. Mainly used to induce bowel movements it also helps relieve gas pains and cramps in the gastrointestinal tract.
Individuals who tend to consume mainly meat and processed foods should attempt detox sessions, but it should not be done too regularly.
Chapter 7: Herbs For Headaches And Tension
Suffering from headaches and tension is almost part of most people's daily life. Sometimes it becomes so "normal" that is not taken seriously enough to be addressed specifically.
Instead most take the easiest solution available which is pill popping. Certainly not a long term solution, neither is it a wise thing to disregard, however using the herbal remedy alternative may be the one way of solving this condition permanently.
There are many types of herbs available to treat the annoying symptoms of headaches and tension. Some herbs are formulated to treat the conditions topically while others are meant for internal consumptions.
Herbs made into ointments and creams serve just as well and don't really cause any adverse negative effects to the individual. However, some of these ingredients can be quite strong smelling, but it's all part of inducing the comfort element to treat the conditions.
Tiger balm, peppermint oil, and nutmeg oil are just some examples of headache and tension healing herbal concoctions. Below is a list of possible herbs to choose from when addressing the headache and tension conditions:
Feverfew - ability to prevent and stop headaches
Ginkgo biloba - improves the circulation and decreases inflammations
Chamomile - relaxes the body
Peppermint - simulates the refreshing aura
Valerian - acts as a powerful sedative
Lemon balm and passion flower - arrest a possible attack
Rosemary - calming effect
Besides trying all the different herbs to starve off these inconvenient and sometimes even painful conditions, keeping a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet also helps to assist in the better state of body and mind.
Therefore when a possible attack of a headache or tension sets in, the effective use of the herbal remedy is heightened. In some cases a topical application may be adequate in addressing the condition quickly and effectively.
These kinds of applications are always a better option to choose from rather than having to consume the herbs.
Chapter 8: Herbs For Helping With Lung Conditions
Lung disease is popularly linked to smoking, however of late there are other factors which seem to also be linked to lung problems. The quality of air most people breathe today is really very polluted.
Some foods eaten as cooked or prepared raw also contain a lot of unwanted chemical that is the cause of lung problems too.
Breathing Better
Numerous herbs have been known to have the necessary elements to help treat lung diseases. Asthma, lung cancer, influenza, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease are just some of the conditions that can be treated with the use of herbal concoctions.
Licorice is an herb that may have some benefits when used to treat lung disease. Bronchitis and lung infections usually decrease of even get eradicated from using licorice regularly. It can also be used to milder conditions like inflamed throat or coughs.
Elecampane is mainly used as an antiseptic which help to kill of the existing germs and also treat the lungs and throat to prevent the reoccurrence of the infection.
It can also be used to treat irritable coughs, bronchitis, tuberculosis, silicosis, asthma, and emphysema. However as this herb can cause adverse effects like vomiting, diarrhea and stomach spasms, and a doctor should be consulted to get the right dosage.
Asian ginseng, also known as Panax ginseng may be helpful in treating lung diseases too. The ginseng is generally used to treat numerous conditions, boost the overall health and also to further support the immune system. In some cases a highly significant reduction is tumors have been noted. Ginseng can be taken as dietary supplement.
To provide a wider range of herbs that can be used for loosely categorized lung diseases, refer to the information given below:
Lungs that are too dry - wild cheery bark, raw rehmannia root, glehnia root, licorice root, slippery elm bark and marshmallow root.
Lungs that are very weak - astragalus root, cordyceps mushroom, schizandra berries, amla fruit, ginseng root, and American ginseng root. Simple mild lung inflammation - boswellia gum, scute root, and turmeric root.