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Smart Eating
Eating right, controlling weight and getting regular exercise will help manage diabetes successfully. The following guidelines are important for diabetes control.
Whole Grains, Breads, Cereals, Rice and Pasta: These foods provide complex carbohydrates (starches), which are an excellent source of energy, and good sources of vitamins, minerals and fiber. Fiber may help lower cholesterol levels and control appetite. These foods are naturally low in fat and cholesterol. Just remember not to add extra fat.
Fruits and Vegetables: Fruits and vegetables provide vitamins and minerals, such as vitamins A and C, potassium, folate, iron and magnesium. These foods are naturally low in fat and sodium, and many are good sources of fiber.
Lean Meat, Poultry, Fish and Proteins: Meat, poultry and fish supply protein, iron, B vitamins and zinc. Other protein foods in this group are good sources of vitamins and minerals. Choose lean cuts of meat and trim visible fat. Remove skin from poultry. Eat no more than 3-4 egg yolks per week; egg whites are not limited.
Milk and Dairy: Milk products supply protein, vitamins and minerals. Dairy products are the best sources of calcium. Whole milk and high-fat cheeses are high in saturated fat and cholesterol; these fats aren’t good for the heart. The best choices in this group are skim or non-fat milk, low-fat cheese and non-fat yogurt. Remember, low-fat dairy products have all the vitamins and calcium of higher fat dairy foods.
Cut the Sugar: Choose a diet low in sugar. Sugars include white sugar, brown sugar, corn syrup, honey, molasses and others. Sugars supply calories and little else. Limit foods with added sugar such as cake, cookies, candy, regular soft drinks, jams and jellies, and sugar that you add at the table.
Cut Fat: Eat fewer foods that are high in solid fats.
- Make major sources of saturated fats – such as cake, cookies, ice cream, pizza, cheese, sausages, and hot dogs – occasional choices, not everyday choices.
- Select lean cuts of meats or poultry and fat-free or low-fat milk, yogurt, and cheese.
- Switch from solid fats to oils when preparing food.
Smart Cooking: Bake, roast, grill, poach, stew, steam or broil meat, fish and poultry.
Use non-stick pans or cooking spray when frying foods. Trim visible fat from meat.
Decrease the sugar and fat in most recipes by using vanilla, cinnamon, and nutmeg to add a sweet taste without adding sugar or calories.