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To the sides: Breath in, turn your neck to your right side and bring back to the normal position while you breathe out. This is done five times each to both right and left sides alternately.
Up and down: Similarly, breathe in and tilt your neck up so as to look at the roof. Now, bent down so that your chin touches your body while you breathe out. This is done alternately up and down five times each at your own pace.
Rotation: Now, rotate your neck as to form a circle while you breath normally. While you rotate, your head should be bent down first taking it to one shoulder, then bending back, now touching the other shoulder, and then coming to the initial position. This is done five times in the clockwise direction and five times in the anticlockwise direction. Never overstrain yourself while you do this exercise. The number of times can be reduced according to your convenience and health.
Wrist Rotation: Stretch both arms straight to the front with closed fists. Rotate both the fists together ten times in the clockwise direction and ten times in the anticlockwise direction. Do ensure that only your fists are rotating and the rest of your arms are stationery.
Elbow Rotation: Bend your hands towards the front and hold your shoulders with your palms. Now, rotate your elbows ten times in the clockwise and ten times in the anticlockwise direction.
Whole hands, small circles: Stretch both hands to the sides holding your palms straight up perpendicular to the hands. Now, make small circles with both palms ten times in the clockwise and ten times in the anticlockwise direction. Note that the smaller the circle, the better relaxation to your hands. This is an excellent exercise for those who have to sit in front of the computer for very long hours.
Whole hands, big circles: Stretch your hands to the sides. Make big circles (as big as possible) with both the hands ten times in the clockwise and ten times in the anticlockwise direction. The number of times can be increased gradually as this becomes less strenuous. All these exercises can be done while you relax in your workstation seat. If you prefer doing them at home or in standing postures, you can stand in the ‘attention’ posture.