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One of the most positive benefits of the often stunning advances in computer technology over the last twenty years has been the assistance that it has given to the development of medical technology.
Computers have enabled medical research to be successfully undertaken and completed many, many times faster than was ever possible previously. More and more diseases and illnesses have been isolated and investigated in a fraction of the time that it once took.
Medical practitioners are becoming ever more skillful, with increasingly sophisticated tools and instruments to help them in their tasks.
And yet disease, sickness and illness has not been comprehensively defeated or outwitted, nor is it ever likely that they will be.
For example, it is now widely accepted that, no matter how quickly computer aided technology and research might enable a virus to be identified and isolated, the virus itself can mutate into a more virulent form much faster!
Medical science is far more advanced than it ever was, but it is still fighting a never ending battle against the power and strength of the ‘bad side’ of nature!
So, man will probably never conquer disease entirely.
People will always become ill with all sorts of conditions and ailments, and, in the worst cases, they will die from them.
Being healthy is, therefore always a question of degree to a certain extent. You can only do what you can to be as healthy as you can possibly be.