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Chapter 7: Cancer Patients Achieving Longevity With Lucid Dreaming
Cancer is a very serious disease, so when there are added alternatives that can be safely used to further enhance or compliment the ongoing treatment, then most cancer patients are more than willing to try. Lucid dream therapy is one of them.
Extending Life
Lucid dreams differ from normal dreams. In the normal dream the dreamer is considered a silent spectator but in the lucid dream scenario the dreamer can change any aspect of the dream, be it the content, the participating "cast," the theme of the dream or the ending.
In the lucid dream, the dreamer can be portrayed as a healthy and confident individual battling the cancer disease with confidence and victory. The suggestions made into the dream can be broken down to specifics. Therefore is would be beneficial it the individual in well informed both medically and physically about the various details of cancer. When the individual in well versed with the actual working of the body system and how it is expected to successfully overcome the cancer disease, then the lucid cream session can commence.
In the same way, the longevity of the individual can be manipulated in the mind's eye through the dream state to show its success over the death sentence of having cancer. When this is done the mind then registers the possibility of the achievement. The more confidence is built within the lucid dream environment the more the body begins to expect the results to be positive and in doing so the various parts of the body learn to work together in order to achieve this goal.
The lucid dream therapy is a very learnable application, however achieving it at its optimum always may not be possible, but the effort must be made repeatedly in order for the body to align itself to this mind over body suggestive method.
Chapter 8: Manage Stress Through Dreaming
People of all ages do this, sometimes for recreational and relaxing purposes and sometimes out of desperation to take the mind away from the very real and pressing problems.
Cut Down The Tension
Dreaming is a wonderful alternative to simply knocking the problem about. When a person dreams whether it is intended or just happens the outcome can be very refreshing.
Some people are motivated after a session of dreaming and come out with confidence and the ability to better concentrate on the task at hand.
There are some that have also learned how to use this dream state to manage their stress levels well. Lucid dreams is one of the types of dream states that allows these stress levels to be controlled by leading the dreamer into a peaceful and made up scenario that shows victory over the problem that is causing the stress in the first place.
In the lucid dream scenario the dreamer portrays total confidence and is also unafraid of any potential problems in any area. This happens in the subconscious and if done often enough this confidence can eventually become a reality in the mind's eye and transcend into the natural world.
Many people who have stood the test of a stressful situation and came out calm and victories have attested to the fact that they did not know or realize the confidence they exhibited when in the stress plateau.
This then gives them new found confidence and in turn causes the stress levels to decrease if not melt altogether. Even in everyday existence the stress build ups are fairly normal and thus most people aren't very product.
Other times lucid dreaming is used to treat post traumatic stress. The lucid dream is used to control and shift the nature of the dream entirely rather than allow the stress level to climb and cause further complications.
Chapter 9: Using Lucid Dreaming Correctly
Lucid dreams usually occur when a person has reached the middle of a regular dreaming session. The dreamer is always aware of the consciousness of the state of mind, as this then is how the manipulation is done.
Some Hints
In intending to practice lucid dreaming correctly, there are several things to note. It is important to have the right frame of mind when attempting this process. Through the process of developing the ability to lucid dream, one must be aware of the fact that, the interaction between the thought process and belief system is of importance.
Therefore the positive frame of mind is a prerequisite to being able to achieve the lucid dream state. Then the question of whether the content and suggestions in this state, are important, needs to be addressed. Constantly reminding the subconscious that the mind is keen on experiencing the lucid dream state will encourage the manifestation of the lucid dream more frequently.
When used for positive reinforcement lucid dreaming is always advantages. If an individual is facing a small or big problem playing out the problem in a lucid dream session and the manipulating the elements to the advantage of the dreamer, the individual is privy to the potential positive outcome. Thus after "experiencing" the positive side of the problem the individual can then be better equipped to face the same situation in the real world.
There is also the advantage of playing out several different scenarios in a lucid dream state to enjoy the positive outcomes. After all these are only dreams and at worst they give the individual to play them to a positive advantage in the natural.
Chapter 10: Cautions To Lucid Dreaming
Like any other forms of therapy, lucid dreaming does have its good and bad points. Though not all would agree that the "bad" points are really bad. While there are yet others who are totally against this lucid dreaming experience, and completely disagree with its relevancy.
What You Have To Know
In trying to address some of the concerns, these are some of the points brought up by the various groups involved either directly or indirectly in the lucid dream phenomena.
The most point of concern is whether the dreamer of the lucid dream can or is able to control the dream content with clear expectations. Even in the natural most people are really unaware of the extent of the expectations while awake or asleep, so to assume that the dreamer has a full understanding of this is really not very probable.