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Holographic memory therapy used with clients is said to access memories and hard life consequences without having to be re-traumatized by the procedure of wading through and solely discussing the events in therapy.
Although this mental process calls for accessing both conscious and unconscious memories, it softly and simply empties frozen memory and pain from the nervous system where it's bound in the body on a cellular plane.
Trauma has been depicted as a spontaneous state of self-suggestion, which encrypts state bound issues. This is helped by the limbic-hypothalamus-pituitary system, and has a fundamental affect on the autonomic, endocrine glands and immune system. At the instant of trauma, all beliefs and thoughts are frozen one millisecond before the worst part of the event.
The brain and body encrypts it as a metaphor in the form of a memory shard of a bigger holographic scene in the individuals life history. Studies of Vietnam War vets have demonstrated that their flashbacks are not the toughest moment but are vividly accessed at the time right before the worst instant.
Individuals with allergies, habitual pain or immunological issues, depression, and anxiety may be helped. Any memory shards may be triggered however we medicate them with overwork, eating, drugs or intoxicants.
In holographic memory therapy, the opening move is to anchor the individual with a feeling of safety. It then needs the originative process of determining the metaphor from an impression in the body where the memory is contained.
As the subconscious carries the whole complexity of the memory and its metaphor, it may supply access to the original scene as well as the required resolution in an effort to naturally mend.
The role of the healer is to work with the cues demonstrated by the individual and supply a supportive bridge to map the crucial memory history while assisting to reframe the trauma and rectify the terrible scene.
The last step is to secure the reframed scene in the energy areas of the body grounding them in color frequencies. This opens up a natural path toward forgiveness while incorporating and learning the spiritual lessons that are presented to us by trauma.