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Driving traffic with hashtags
There are plenty of different ways to drive traffic to your website today, but some are definitely more effective – and attractive – than others.
Social media marketing, more specifically “hashtag marketing”, is definitely one of the hottest drivers of organic traffic today and you have to make sure that you are making the most of the hashtags you create online right now to build your business from the ground up.
Make no mistake about it. We live in the middle of the most competitive business environment that has ever existed in human history.
Even though we have more tools and more technology available to help us grow our businesses than ever before, the competition is fierce, focused, and coming at us from all corners.
If you are going to succeed today, you absolutely MUST capitalize on social media marketing and “hashtag marketing” right now!
And that’s why we have put together this quick list of tips, tricks, strategies and secrets designed to help you really move the needle when it comes to driving targeted social media traffic to your website, your online shop, or your marketing funnel.
Make use of as many of these tips and tricks as possible to really hypercharge your results, and you will be able to hit the ground running with more targeted traffic then you’ll know what to do with!
Let’s get right into it!
Create an account on EVERY social media platform out there While the bulk of the heavy lifting results you’re going to get out of social media are going to come from “mainstream” social media networks like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
Hashtag Traffic Secrets
That doesn’t mean that you can ignore smaller sized or less frequented social media networks – like Tinder or LinkedIn, for example – if you are going to try and make the most of everything that hashtags have to offer.
You are going to want to review all of the different social media networks out there, large and small, and find out how they fit with the target demographics of your ideal customer.
• If you are selling golf products, you are likely to have a lot of success diving headfirst into the major social media networks and linked in, for example.
• If you are selling outdoor adventure trips, however, you may not have the same kind of success as a social media network designed to cater to business professionals.
It’s all about finding that sweet spot as far as a target audience is concerned and then really trying to make the most of all the leverage that particular platform has to offer.
But you’re going to want to have multiple accounts on multiple networks, if only so that you can publish content across all of those networks with the same hashtags at the same time to really create a “carpet bomb” kind of impact on the market that you reach.
Research popular hashtags for the last six months
There’s definitely something to be said about creating your own hashtags that allow you to kind of control the narrative and own “real estate” in the social media game, but at the same time there is absolutely zero reason whatsoever to ignore leverage already available – especially when it has already proven to be tremendously popular with the people that you are trying to reach.
There are quite a few different tools available (100% free of charge) that really let you research different hashtags on different social media networks and not only find out which ones are incredibly popular right now (usually
Hashtag Traffic Secrets
differentiated by the “Trending” tag) but also which ones are getting the most engagement with that particular social media network.
Engagement is such a truly difficult thing to try and generate right out of thin air when you are building up your social media profile from nothing, but it is a core tenet of hashtag traffic generation.
You need to create hashtags that are…
• Immediately interesting
• Relevant
• Easy to share
These are core tenants of viral content and viral marketing on all of social media today.
It’s not just enough to plug your content into these hashtag traffic streams without any real context, either.
You have to be sure that your content is relevant to the hashtags that you are using, not only because using the wrong hashtags could cause you to miss out on a lot of traffic, but it could actually actively push people away at the same time.
That would be a major mistake, especially if you are a brand-new or relatively new social media account just looking to create traction today.
By looking back six months, reviewing the most popular hashtags over that stretch of time, and then finding ways to either co-opt those tags or to create a new spin that will be interesting and relevant to your content you have a tremendously “unfair” advantage over the rest of your competition.
This kind of research can take a little bit of time to drum up on your own (of course you could always outsource most of it), but the return on investment for doing this digging is definitely worthwhile.
Tie analytics to your hashtags
More than a couple of very valuable tools today can be utilized to track the interaction and engagement of the hashtags that you are using, and you Hashtag Traffic Secrets need to make the most of these analytics tools ASAP if you aren’t already leveraging them right now.
The real core differentiator that has helped to separate online marketing from the rest of the pack is the ease of tracking and testing available.
Yes, it used to be possible to test and track more traditional forms of advertising – usually with coupon codes and mailing lists – but we’ve never had access to this much instant information like we do right now.
It would be a shame to waste any of that data, especially when that data can better inform the hashtag marketing that you decide to move forward with from here on out.
Different tools will allow you to analyze the data in different ways, and some of them will compare engagement from the hashtags you are using to other similar hashtags being used at the same time.
These kinds of tools will really help to sharpen your marketing abilities in your focus, and there’s definitely nothing wrong with that!
Generating hashtags that actually work
The most important thing you have to remember when you are creating hashtags designed to help you drive traffic is that you treat them the same way that you would treat headlines on your advertising
• Keep them relatively short
• Keep them incredibly interesting
• Make sure they are relevant
• Use them to do the one thing they are intended to do – drive traffic to your content.
A lot of people make the mistake of trying to get too much out of hashtags or social media marketing in general and then are surprised when they aren’t getting anywhere near the kinds of results they were hoping for.