Ebook Sample Content Preview:
One of the first things to remember when it comes to Social Media Marketing and selling is that people hate to feel like they are being sold to. People can get very irate at constantly being sold to, so when it comes to selling via Social media platforms you have to get creative!
However, just because people don't like to feel like they are being sold to doesn't mean that they don't want to buy. You just have to be very clever about how you go about selling to them.
Product placement is a great way of indirectly selling your products. Have a “how to” board or an “information” board that teaches someone how to do something and have your product or brand name in there somewhere.
Use images to show your product or service positively, make people want it without realising they are being sold to by creating a desire for what you have to offer. Make it easer for your Pinterest followers to buy. On your images let people know where they can get it and for how much by adding a price tag (explained later on in the guide) just make sure it is done very subtly.
Make your content shareable. Viral reach is huge when it comes to social media marketing and selling via your social media platforms. Make sure your pins are enticing enough to be shared by others, use engaging words when you are being descriptive, again just make sure its not all that apparent that they are being sold to!
You want to create a desire and a need for the product you are selling, but you need the end user to feel like wanting it is their idea not that you have been giving them the hard sell. If you are lucky enough to have someone influential or even famous use your product then post an image of it, that will create that desire demand again.
The great thing about selling on Pinterest is that it gives you the opportunity to communicate using images and not words, that’s an incredibly powerful tool if you use it correctly.
Pinterest is unique from other Social Media Platforms, as it gives you the opportunity to display your products and prices via a price tag, you could create a board that essentially becomes a catalogue or gift guide for the products or services that you provide.