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Why Relationships Are Important in Attaining Happiness
Relationships - whether romantic, familial, or friendly - cannot be taken out of the happiness equation. Many of the qualities of a person are developed in interactions and relationships. A person needs to belong to an institution built by people to survive. People need to be connected to others in order to find more fulfillment in their development as individuals. People become better versions of themselves with the help of other people.
Even scientific studies can back up the importance of relationships in a one’s development and well-being. Humans need to be able to relate to others as early as their infancy stage. Social interaction and well-established relationships are crucial in all areas of a child’s development – emotional, intellectual, social, etc. Children who feel more secure and at ease with the relationships they have established are quicker to develop because they can explore their environment, knowing that they can rely on someone for guidance and support. Children perform better in academic and extra-curricular activities when they are well-connected with their teachers, peers, and parents.
There are also studies that show that the happiest people are those that are engaged in close relationships with their spouse, family, and friends. They feel a great sense of belonging, which is really important in happiness. People with good relationships also live healthier, happier, and longer lives.
One cannot talk about happiness without including relationships. Wherever you may be and whatever you may become, the importance of good relationships cannot be emphasized well-enough. Since human beings are social creatures, it is almost automatic that they will engage in relationships and social interactions. However, building good relationships takes conscious effort. It is not only the presence of relationships that will determine your well-being; strained relationships do not contribute to happiness.