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From this point on, I am going to assume that you (or members of your family) are not people who have naturally high sun tolerance and that you therefore need to take additional precautions before going out in the sun, and that you also need to know what to do if a case of sunburn calls for effective natural treatment.
As suggested previously, the most effective way of avoiding sun damaged skin is to stay out of the sun. However, this does not necessarily mean that you have to stay indoors every time the sun comes out, because there are other sensible precautions that you can take even though you have ventured outside.
For example, knowing that there are times of the day when the intensity of the ultraviolet radiation from the sun is at its highest, you should always seek shade of some description at these times. If you are on the beach with your family (or even if you are on your own), make sure that you have a clear idea of places where you can find shade at the hottest times of the day or if there is nowhere that offers natural shape, take a beach umbrella with you or hire one if it is possible to do so.
Initially, you can enjoy the warmth of the sun without exposing yourself to the direct ultraviolet radiation that causes skin damage. This allows you to get the positive benefits of being out in the fresh air (especially if you are bathed by a gentle sea breeze) without exposing yourself to the unnecessary risk of suffering sunburn from overexposure to UVA and UVB rays.
The problem with this scenario is that whilst for an adult who understands the danger of overexposure to the sun, it is probably no great hardship to be sitting under a beach umbrella or at a covered beach bar sipping an ice cold drink, it is might it be far more difficult to convince youngsters and children of the benefits of staying in the shade.