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Give Away Events Exposed!
All smart Internet Marketers and list owners know that “the money is in the list”. And I know you are one of them, too!
Therefore, every marketer who firmly believes in how much business, influential power and wealth a mailing list can bring are doing just about any and every way possible to build their mailing list.
That’s why you see marketers running advertising campaigns such as:
- Pay-Per-Click
- Ad Swaps,
- Article Marketing,
- Joint Ventures,
- Affiliate Recruitment Drive,
- Press Releases,
- Traffic Exchanges,
- Paid E-zine/Web Advertising, and
- Much more than this list can bear!
And the savvy marketers often run these campaigns with one goal: build their mailing list! (Besides trying to sell, of course.)
Now some of these methods require low to high costs to run, which can be out of the option for beginning marketers who are on a tight budget. And one thing is for sure: all well-executed advertising and list-building campaigns require a high degree of skill.
In the last couple of years, a new method of list building was conceived primarily in the Internet Marketing circle. It’s called:
Give Away Events!
This is one of the recently discovered methods in Internet Marketing where list building is now made possible through the spirit of giving away!
It can be carried out as and when you – or anyone – like to.
The cost of hosting an event can be next-to-nothing.
And to join a Give Away event in the shoes of a contributor or JV partner is zero cost.
But you can rake in hundreds, possibly thousands and potentially tens of thousands of subscribers through joining Give Away events!
And to get kick started, you just need a gift of your own and an auto responder to suck fresh, red-hot leads in!
And to discover how building your list in such a fashion come true in the shoes of a JV Partner, you really owe it to yourself to read on!
How Do Give Away Events Really Work?
Give Away events are carried out primarily in the Internet Marketing circle itself. However, it is very possible to carry out Give Away events successfully in other hot niches with the cooperation of a group of partners and contributors in the same niche.
I also suspect that it has probably been carried out in offline businesses, in a similar way, to get hot prospects and leads, though I cannot vouch for this truth. It’s a subject fit for another book, nonetheless.
So how do Give Away events really work – and how does it help YOU build your mailing list?
Well it works like this: think of a GIANT ad swap.
How Ad Swaps Work
In a regular ad swap deal, you and another list owner (who probably has a similar mailing list size as yours) do an ad exchange.
You send the partner’s advertisement to your mailing list.
Your partner sends YOUR advertisement to his or her mailing list.
Usually, you will want to send an ad that encourages the reader to subscribe to your mailing list (we’ve been talking about it until now so you know the drill!).
You can call this “legally stealing subscribers” if you want to. After all, the average subscriber is subscribed to more than 10-20 mailing lists, possibly more, which is a perfect norm these days.
While ad swapping is a perfect way to build your mailing list by playing the game of “using subscribers to make subscribers”, the leverage effect is often 1:1 in a real sense.
You can only carry out one ad swap at a time, for starters. And even if you do swap ads with more than one list owner or e-zine publisher, the leverage effect remains 1:1 because you have to send that many advertisements to your list, too, in proportionate to how many list owners you agreed to swap ads with.
This doesn’t mean I’m discounting the power of swapping ads; it’s a good and essential marketing method you can do now and then.