Ebook Sample Content Preview:
Once you’ve chosen a product, you need to review it. And that’s where you will build your reputation as a blogging and review “authority site”.
What’s an “authority site?” Usually one that has been around a good while, continually refreshed with fresh content, feedback and reputable backlinks. For a great example, check out Darren Rowse’s Problogger site. Notice the extraordinary number of comments to his posts and guest posts, as well as the powerful amount of content. These are both hallmarks of Authority sites.
The “been around a good while” is simply something you need to build for – but you can get going right away with continually refreshed (“new”) content and a solid reputation.
The best way to do this is to concentrate on only one niche, if you haven’t got your list yet, and start going out of your way to help them solve all their problems. It’s especially important to start this way if blogging (and review blogging) is new to you – a common mistake would-be review bloggers make is to set up and try to serve too many new blogs at once.
You’ve heard it all before: “Write as you would to a friend”, et cetera. Be honest in your reviews. Review only products that are of high perceived value to them. Never “fake” or force anything. And follow a blogging plan and review structure.
This doesn’t mean you’ll be imprisoned by plans and structure. It just means that having an overview and helping readers know what to expect from your reviews works better than haphazardly zipping off posts on everything that comes along. But the main thing to do? Make yourself an authority for one niche – and serve it well.