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Getting out of a fixed mindset can be difficult. What happens over time is that people learn certain habits or patterns of beliefs that are tied into specific experiences that are often painful. These experiences compound until the person becomes convinced that life is just the way it is and you have to make the most of it.
In fact, you will find that many people have little personal mantras or ways of looking at the world. They might say that “life is a battleground” or “work hard play hard”. These idioms have little to do with the way that the world is and everything to do with the unique mindset of the individual. Either way, the person needs to adopt strategies that will help him or her out of a very fixed way of looking at the world.
What is a Fixed Mindset?
The most common example of a fixed mindset is in relation to money. People have certain ideas about what their time is actually worth. And what happens is that other people reflect this idea back to them. So the person who values his or her time at $15 an hour will apply for jobs that reinforce the idea that they are worth $15 an hour. And they will actually self-sabotage jobs that pay them $30 an hour because “they are not worth that”.
This phenomenon was documented in a book by entrepreneur and success coach Tim Ferris called The Four Hour Work Week. What he noticed was that competition was very difficult at the bottom and medium levels because everybody was fighting it out. But it actually gets very easy in the upper echelons of management, because they believe that are worth every penny even though they often do very little work. It can actually be easier to shoot for high-end jobs once you have the appropriate psychology compared to working your way up step by step.
This is a reflection of the esoteric principle that the whole universe is a product of the mind. What we believe internally is reflected back to us and we then proceed to believe that this reflection is actually the truth of existence. This has also been demonstrated in the scientific literature to a degree. In advertising, people only notice marketing materials that are relevant to them. Everything else is subconsciously filtered out, as the brain can only handle a limited amount of data. If we don’t change our perspective, we are going to keep seeing the same information and believing that it is the ‘truth’.
A fixed mindset can be loosely defined as a narrow and precise view of reality where we are sure about certain things. And they are only true because the fixed mindset person believes in them so strongly. How would somebody with a fixed mindset ever change the world with a revolutionary invention? It would not be possible. People of a fixed mindset observe the world as it is. People of a growth mindset create the world as they would like it to be. This is a huge difference.
What is a Growth Mindset?
A growth mindset is one which focuses on expansion at all times as opposed to trying to preserve the existing situation. While finances are the easiest and most obvious example to give, the concepts of both fixed and growth mindsets apply to relationships, health, creativity, spirituality, and personal happiness. Typically, people can apply a growth mindset to one area of their lives but fail to carry over this into others. But if you grow a company, you can grow a relationship or even spiritual success. You just have to take the same principals into a different field. The details will differ, but the foundational ideas for improvement will remain the same.
People with a growth mindset are not focused on the past or even with current difficulties. It’s not even that they look for ways to solve problems as such; they are focused on creative ways to grow that can completely bypass existing issues. It comes down to a question of focusing on lack or focusing on growth. This does not mean that you ignore things that need to get done. You will still attend to specific obligations. But they are less of a weight when your focus is on where you are going instead of where you happen to be.
From a Fixed to a Growth Focused Mindset
Going from a fixed to a growth mindset can take some work. This is because habits and psychological tendencies can be extremely entrenched in our psyche. So we have to adopt best practices in order to observe what is truly possible.
One of the best ways to gain a growth mindset is to observe how the other half live, the richest 1% of society. You will find that they do not pay any attention to what is commonly written on the internet about best financial practices. They are in the mindset of wealth and they constantly expect wealth to flow. However, for somebody who is used to watching every penny and budgeting all the time, it can be very difficult to accept this. Additionally, these people are usually born into wealth where they never picked up negative concepts surrounding financial acquisition. If you could manage to spent some time with wealthy people, there high-growth mindset will rub off on you. It’s an easier way to live.
Even if you do not have a privileged upbringing, you can still adopt this mentality. Habit and repetition are key to cementing a growth orientated mindset. So you could focus on growing your capital reserves significantly. Set a figure such as $10,000 and try to explore ways to increase your account. This will be a combination of cutting back on certain expenses, visualizing different flows of income and the pile getting bigger, and concentrating on ways to increase revenue in general. Either way, your focus has to be on your capital reserves getting bigger, not on being unable to afford things. Don’t try to justify your lack of growth - just focus on growth. Neither the universe nor other people care about your excuses. And you shouldn’t either.
Tools for Dealing With Limiting Beliefs
Everybody has certain fears and limiting beliefs that keep them stuck in negativity and distress. Some people just find it impossible to attract a partner, no matter what they do. Other people find it difficult to manifest money and material items, despite applying all the online techniques and turning their attention to the problem.