Dazzle Your Visitors With UNIQUE And MEMORABLE Sales Pages
Watch Your Competitors Turn GREEN With Envy As You Overflow Your Bank Account While Their FORGETTABLE Websites Repel Customers Like The Plague!
I know you know what I'm talking about...
You get email promotions flooding your inbox daily, and every link you click takes you to the exact same sales page, over and over... just different words.
You spend MAYBE 3 seconds there, hoping THE COPY grabs your attention.
Well, I don't know about you, but I'm not an expert copywriter. I need something more than
"hot button" phrases and "emotional triggers". So I have to count on what I am good at...
and that's creating unique looking sales page graphics.
Did you think that was it?? ME TOO!!
Then I realized that to really make these sites a cut above the rest, you'd need a few powerful scripts to blow your competition away...
So I decided to include a group of "Super Scripts" for you to use:
Script #1: How to Make Your Own Software Generator
If you want to market your own "simpleware" product, that only takes a few days to produce, including coming up with the idea, making it, and debugging it then you need to read this section. Armed with the information in here you'll know exactly how to 'Create Your Own Software' that could sell thousands of copies just like the Pro's
Script #2: How to Get An E-Book Boost
Learn how to maximise the download rate of your free viral ebooks and reports using this clever script that takes just seconds to install on your web site. If you want to spread the 'word' and increase your marketing efforts you need this script.
Script #3: Interactive Sales Letters
If you haven't heard about interactive sales letters, they're very cool. What you have is a regular sales page with a set of options in the letter every once in a while. The user can pick one of the choices, and parts of the sales letter change based on what the user has chosen. Personalizing your sale copy in this way could double or triple your current conversion rates!