We are facing an overload of products that teach us how to get rich with affiliate marketing...so it is crucial that you pick a product that not only works but is right for YOU personally...
And boy we have some choices out there don't we? It seems as if anyone with an internet connection these days has released an eBook on how to make money as an affiliate. But here's the kicker...
There's too many variables for each individual to consider when picking one of the many affiliate guides out there, such as:
* Am I skilled enough?
* Do I have time?
* Are there extra costs involved?
* Can I afford the extra costs involved?
* Will I actually enjoy doing this?
...and a host of other things might hit you once you've answered these questions alone.
Then you make a decision, but here's where it gets even more bizarre...because most people just pick these books up and put them back down twice as quick! Why? I know why...
Because they were either mis-sold on what they were buying, or worse still were not given enough info to make a balanced decision. I mean c'mon, how can you answer any of those questions above when all the sales page will tell you is that "It's a secret".
The answer is you can't make an educated, informed decision on your purchase and that leaves you gambling your money away with each false promise and pipedream.
So when the hype and excitement has settled and fades away, the desire to make money goes with it once you're left with a "manual" to work through.