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The Google+ mobile apps are relatively straightforward. They come with five different icons and a notifications bar. The mobile app allows you to access your stream, take and upload photos, view and update your profile, and manage your circles.
Two features stand out about the Google+ mobile apps. The first is a feature called “Huddle,” which is essentially a group texting feature similar to Beluga and GroupMe. Huddle allows you to put a group of your friends together so you can send and receive group texts.
The second unique feature of Google+’s mobile apps is something called “Instant Upload.” This feature automatically takes the pictures you take and syncs them with your desktop. This makes it ultra-simple to share photos since they’re uploaded into a private album you can manage and share at your convenience.
Google+ also has a mobile interface that allows you to post updates, check what your circles are posting, comment, and +1 your friends’ posts, and update your location.