Brand New Techie Training Videos That Are Brain-Dead Simple To Follow
"Fire Your WebMaster & Learn All The Tricks Of The Trade - It's Easy Once You Know How!!"
Now You Too Can Become The Expert
Are you struggling to deal with the technical side of your online business?
If you or people you know are having to pay out fees to manage the technical tasks of an online business then what you are about to read on this page will BLOW YOUR MIND!
WRONG NOTION #1 - Running Your Own Online Business Is Too Techie For The Novice or Newbie
Unless you are trying to be the next Mark Zuckerburg or Steve Jobs, running your own online business doesn't require more than just knowing a little about a few pieces of software.
What - You are not a Programmer!!?? No Big Deal!!
If you know what programs and software to use AND how to use them then you will not need to know or have any programming or coding skills at all.
WRONG NOTION #2 - You Need To Hire A Webmaster To Handle All The Technical Stuff
While hiring someone to do the work for you.., will save you time (If You Can Afford It),if you do not know how to do the work yourself then..
1. The person you hire can easily be robbing you blind AND not doing what needs to be done.
2. You will forever be enslaved to the people you hire and having to pay whatever they demand otherwise your business will stop when they leave.
So What Is The Answer To Managing All The Technical Stuff For Your Online Business?
WebMaster Videos is your Genie In A Bottle, Your Big Red EASY Button..
WebMaster Videos IS YOUR ANSWER!!
WebMaster Videos Are Your GEEK-SPEAK-FREE Video Guides That Will Take You From WebMaster Zero To WebMaster HERO!!
These videos provide you with detailed 'Over-The-Shoulder' style step-by-step tutorials that leave no technical stone un-turned.
Here Is A Sampling Of The Videos
Gmail Tabs are NOT as bad as many will have you believe. Video 06 will show you how to benefit from this new feature & how to turn them off if you still don’t like them
These awesome videos can help you save two items you can NEVER have enough of... TIME & MONEY!
Get & Keep your emails organized! Videos 02, 05 & 07 will show you in detail, how to manage your Gmail inbox and MORE!
You had 30 site visitors & 10 bought your gizmo. Video 15 on setting Google Analytics Goals will show you how to increase your conversions. This video is worth the cost of the entire Vol 07 set!
Google Analytics is a powerful FREE service that provides you with information on your website traffic & sales. Video 12 takes you on a tour of the GA interface so you will know where all the right buttons are located