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Module 1 - Introduction
The Google Farmer Update – How To Not Only Survive The Latest Google Farmer Update But Flourish From It
It’s 11 March 2011 here in Sydney right now.
Call it the google farmer update or call it a Google massacre but the recent algorithm change “affectionately” known as the Google Farmer update has been far reaching in the internet marketing world.
We’ve seen google slaps relating to Google Adwords campaigners and the reknowned GQS – Google Quality Score….
When that happened I was thrilled that I was by choice and through a lot of hard work a BUM marketer – a wonderful phrase created by Travis Sago’s wife.
My Ezinearticles.com account has over 1,000,000 article views and on a regular basis for years I’ve been submitting articles to them and driving traffic to multiple sites that way.
I gotta say some of my affiliate promotion sites are starting to feel the pinch. But I’m going to get through this and flourish even more on the other side – and I’m hoping to show you some strategies that I’ll be implementing and ones that I can recommend you look into to. I’m not an expert on Google or Google algorithm changes but I’m here to provide you some ideas in case you think all your hard work is going to waste.
We bum marketers aren’t going to take this lying down!
The Google Farmer Update – What Is It And Why Did It Happen?
There are discussions all over the web about why it’s happened and what kind of sites it’s affecting…..
Content farms
Duplicate Content/Scraper Sites
Adsense Sites
The best I can do is provide you some information from authority sites on this topic and the research they’ve done
Is Greed A Factor For Lost Rankings And Google Penalties?
If you look further at the post at seomoz http://www.seomoz.org/blog/googlesfarmer- update-analysis-of-winners-vs-losers they go into detail about potential culprits with a comparison of Ehow and Ezinearticles.com
Thoughts are sites with much more extreme and intrusive advertising ended up in the loser bucket.
I know for a fact if I've ever viewed an article on Ezinearticles.com the page was pretty much blasted with adsense blocks.
Not only did that take away from the effectiveness of the article but gave the reader so many choices to click on any link other than that in the resource box. I've heard rumours about how much Ezinearticles.com made monthly with Adsense and if it's true it's a staggering figure.
Perhaps their own greed could have been a factor in them receiving this penalty. Let’s Look Back At The Squidoo Slap Of 2009 For A Moment In 2009 Squidoo came up with a list of topics that they were no longer going to allow.
“The biggest offenders in the spam world, and topics that aren't okay on Squidoo, are:
--Pharmaceutical, drug, and diet aid reviews and diet pill sales. (Examples: Viagra, Hoodia Gordoni, Penis Enlargement pills, acai berry etc) Plus whatever the latest miracle cure drink happens to be, and affiliate/salesy lenses thereof.”
The Oversaturated Niches 2011
On 2 March 2011 Ezinearticles.com published a post on their blog titled "Oversaturated Niche Decisions" aka what do we do with all of these over-saturated niches?