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Welcome to the latest and very easy to apply “Google AdSense” Training, designed to take you by the hand and walk you through the process of getting the most out of Google AdSense, for your business.
I’m very excited to have you here, and I know that this will be very helpful for you.
This exclusive training will show you step-by-step, topic by topic, and tool by tool, what you need to know to dominate Google AdSense, in the easiest way possible, using the most effective tools and in the shortest time ever.
This training is comprised of 20 chapters organized into 4 sections. This is exactly what you are going to learn:
Section 1: Google AdSense Basics
In Chapters 1 through 4, we’ll talk about:
- What Is Online Advertising All About?
- What Is Google AdSense?
- How Can Google AdSense Help Your Business?
- Shocking Google AdSense Facts To Consider
Section 2: Google AdSense – Step by Step
In Chapters 5 through 10, we’ll talk about:
- Setting Up An AdSense-Friendly Website
- Creating A Google AdSense Account
- Google AdSense Walk-through
- Customizing Your First AdSense Ads
- Inserting Ad Slots Manually
- Inserting Ad Slots With The AdSense Plugin
Section 3: Advanced Google AdSense Strategies
In Chapters 11 through 16, we’ll talk about:
- Increasing Ad Revenue With Link Units
- Increasing Ad Revenue With A Custom Search Engine
- Implementing AdSense Section Targeting
- Implementing Ad Placement Targeting
- Crazy Simple Ways To Double Traffic To Your AdSense Site
- Money-Making AdSense Optimization Tips And Strategies
Section 4: Additional Tips to consider
In Chapters 17 through 20, we’ll talk about:
- Do's and Don'ts
- Premium tools and Services to consider
- Shocking Case Studies
- Frequently Asked Questions
Well, it’s time for you to start getting the most out of Google AdSense on behalf of your Business.
I know you'll love this training.
Google AdSense Basics Google AdSense Basics Google AdSense Basics Google AdSense BasicsGoogle AdSense Basics
Chapter 1: What Is Online Advertising All About?
We’ve got a quick question for you: when you visit a website, what is the first thing that you are able to visually identify apart from the actual content- We are pretty sure that your answer will be “the ads”, and that is because online advertising is everywhere. We have grown so used to it that we just take it for granted, but what is online advertising really all about?
Online advertising is, in simple terms, using the internet to deliver a marketing message through paid solutions. And because of its online nature, it can basically take form on any possible placement that you can imagine.
And what that means is that online ads can appear on every online place or channel made available to advertisers, as they are the digital equivalent of billboards. In fact, once you start digging in, you’ll be able to find all types of parallels to real-world advertisements.
The most common form of online ads can be found on blogs and websites, and they can be compared to newspaper and magazine ads. You will also find ads on YouTube videos, which are the internet version of TV ads, as well as other types of online ads that go a step further, such as mobile ads and in-app ads.
Online ads have such a wide reach that they are also natively integrated on social media platforms such as Facebook, where you are allowed to promote your own content affordably and without much hassle.
And the best part- Online advertising is not limited to big agencies with inflated advertising budgets. You don’t have to produce expensive materials, or to go through a lot of paperwork. You’ll simply have to have an engaging message, a target audience, and a killer product or service to promote.
And that is why online advertising has vastly surpassed offline advertising: because there are more people paying for online ads than anywhere else.
And that is also why online advertising has become the fuel that fires content creation on the internet. Because if you are a content creator with a blog or a website getting good traffic, or have a YouTube channel with videos that are getting thousands of views on a monthly basis, you are pretty much guaranteed a stable income generated from ad revenue.
But! Here’s the catch: online ads don’t appear magically on websites or videos, and they don’t generate money for website owners by simply sitting there. Do you want to learn what’s the best way to generate money on your online property- Tune in to the following chapter to find out!
Chapter 2: What Is Google AdSense?
Hey there everyone! So we talked about what online advertising actually is in our previous chapter, and we happened to mention that, for all intents and purposes, it is all about generating revenue through targeting placements with ads.
Or in simpler words, that it is all about using online properties to serve ads that reach a defined audience with the purpose of getting engagement with the ads. It is a win-win situation because advertisers can use relevant placements on niche properties to promote their stuff and publishers can make money from basically renting placements on their properties to the advertisers.
Now, how do advertisers place ads on, say, a website- And how do publishers and content creators insert ads on their properties- The simple answer is: they sign up to an ad network, which works as a middleman between advertisers and publishers.
What ad networks do is to connect advertisers with a network of online properties where they can serve their ads, as well as to add online properties to those networks through publishers and content creators.
There are many, many ad networks around, but the most popular, and by extension, the largest one as well, is Google AdSense. And because of that, it is an advertising platform full of unique features and peculiarities.
For starters, the AdSense platform can be described as an online advertising program run exclusively for publishers by Google, which allows them to add their online properties to the “Google Network” of content sites.
Once publishers add their sites to this network, they will be able to serve online advertisements using automatic text, images, video, and other types of interactive media right on their sites. These advertisements, or ad units, are targeted according to a site’s content and audience.
These ad units are generated and managed by advertisers on Google’s own AdWords network, and they are administered by Google itself. In other words, Google serves ads on sites that are part of the AdSense network on behalf of advertisers that are part of the AdWords network.
Now, we all know that publishers and content creators are not going to lend their valuable online real estate out of a sense of charity; They’re in it for the money! But how do AdSense ads generate revenue on a site?
It is simple: advertisers pay Google to put their ads on the AdSense network, and then Google splits those earnings with the owner of the online property where these ads happen to appear, once again, based on the type of content on the site and its audience.