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Chapter 6 - Superb Short Games
The term short game refers to play occurring on or near the green. Shots taken during the short game focus more on accuracy as opposed to power or distance. Common shots utilized in the short game are chipping, pitching and the flop shot.
Chipping: This shot is intended to lift the ball into the air over a short distance, after which it should land and roll the reminder of the way towards the hole.
Effective chipping requires intense visualization to determine where the ball will land. The type of club used during chipping is extremely important, as it will affect the distance in which the ball will travel. Irons are the club of choice for chipping.
The further away from the hole, the more lofted the iron should be. Starting with iron number 1, proceed up through the irons the closer the ball is to the hole.
The position required to proceed with chipping is similar to that of putting.
Adopt an open stance with feet slightly apart (the majority of your weight should be on your leading side foot), and with your arms straight. The club should be aiming directly in the intended direction of the ball. Ensure wrists stay flat and arms straight during the swing.
Pitching: Very similar to a chip, a pitch involves a short shot using less than a full swing to direct a ball in the intended direction. Pitching shots are longer than chipping shots, and therefore require a longer swing.
As with chipping, pitching requires intense visualization of where you intend the ball to land.
To ensure effective pitching shots, adopt the same stance as described for chipping; however ensure your shoulders are facing the direction in which you intend to hit the ball. Hit the ball, ensuring you are not gripping the club too tightly, the club should follow the same path on the downswing as it did on the backswing, and should end above your head rather than out to the side of your body.
The Flop Shot: A flop shot is implemented where there is very little green with which to work, or to avoid certain hazards on the course. This shot should cause the ball to travel very high in the air and land softly on the green.
An open faced club with the most loft is generally the most suitable for playing a flop shot, however if playing on a green with an upward slope less loft is required.