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Interviewer: Now what do you think makes a good instructor?
Michael Robichaud: A good listener, someone who is patient, someone who likes to have fun, who knows how to make other people comfortable and is not afraid to serve other people, and make you feel like you know when you’re there that person is there for you and--and you know just is willing to--to take the time to ask the right questions to make sure that you know that person feels comfortable and understands what’s happening.
Interviewer: Now do golfers tend to come in, you know newer golfers and just expect really quick success and really you know easy and--and have you actually had--first of all, let me just ask; do you have any success stories or where anyone just kind of walked in and took a lesson and was a really great golfer?
Michael Robichaud: Y eah; I mean I’ve had a lot of people--I used to do--there’s a lot of times I’ll give a lesson and you know it’s--it’s over in--in eight swings because it just goes back to the basics and people forget the ball is out of position and you know I’ve had many times someone come to the tee in the morning and they’re--where they play in tournaments and they go look at me, I’m so bad, and you know they’ll go out and win and play really well. I had one young lady that when I was in the Cape at the Captain’s you know--she and her boyfriend came down and she took her first series of lessons and you know I heard from her dad a couple weeks ago--and this is probably seven or eight years ago, you know and she shot her first even par round of golf. So you know to go from a beginner to that it’s just--that’s incredible.
Interviewer: Now is there a certain amount of natural ability there or do you attribute it to your excellent instruction?
Michael Robichaud: I think it’s a combination of both; I think particularly with that one individual it was a lot of determination. Certainly there was physical ability; there were no physical limitations but you know she struggled at first like every golfer would but she got hooked by the bug and she practiced those things that were basic. And I remember a couple of years ago she was here for a--a tournament that--that was a little tour that came here and we worked and I gave her a lesson and you know she--all those basics, she remembered them and she was just sticking with them, and so she had confidence in what she’s doing and--but she took the time to--to practice a little bit and play better.