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Chapter 7: Rolling the game with your stroke
Being able to roll the ball efficiently into the hole once it reaches the green is important, as it will determine the final score for the particular hole played, and this will eventually effect the overall score for the entire game.
Therefore, it would be beneficial to master the art of playing the ball once it reaches the green which would be called putting.
Standardizing the length of the putting back stroke to the roll would give the player a better chance to create more precision in the distance and strike, therefore ensuring a more accurate putt. The player should be able to read all the contributing factors before deciding on the length of the back stroke to be taken and the impact it will create when in contact with the ball.
This distance and the impact in the backstroke the putter takes, can also effect the direction the ball follows and this is especially so, if the putter is not properly squared when actual contact is made.
Other contributing factor that should be factored in, are such as the gradient of the putting green’s surface, the consistency of the green surface, the angle the blades of grass naturally takes, the speed of the green and the type of grassy material that is used to create the surface area. Being able to read all these different factoring elements will
enable the player to make better and more accurate judgments on the putting stroke to apply so that the ball find its mark. While taking into account all of the above factors, the player would then have to learn how to successfully gauge the distance the drawback stroke should make to ensure there is enough momentum on the roll of the ball to sink it into the hole.
Chapter 8: What you need to know about chipping and pitching
Chipping and pitching are two essential parts of the game especially when the ball did not make it to the putting green with the original intended stroke. Therefore in order to have a more complete game, the player would have to be able to handle chipping and pitching strokes adequately and accurately.
The first thing to understand is that in most cases the chipping or pitching are done using specifically designed clubs. These clubs would be the pitching club, the sand and the lobb wedge. These clubs are specifically designed with a sharper angle to enable the stroke to bring forth a sharper angel when coming in contact with the ball.
When trying to use anyone of these clubs, the idea would be to ensure the hands leas the swing and the ball should be placed far back in the stance.
This will allow the descending contact made on the ball, to be more accurate and in a rather scooping motion. The touch or the stroke here should also be softer and gentler when creating the impact on the ball.
This is usually possible to achieve as the ball is already closer to the putting hole, thus needing less force in its trajectory. Ideally the ball should be played in a manner that allows it to roll along smoothly as soon as it makes contact with the surface of the green.
However most players are too controlled in the downward stroke, that they often miss hit the ball rendering its movement to either a few feet short of the hole or way past the hole.
Generally the swing motion is about the same, which would be a well formed pendulum motion that is much shorter in comparison to an actual full out swing, however the stance would be different as the player would have to adopt a more open stance.
Chapter 9: Gaming with your smartphone.
There are quite a few common mistakes that are usually prevalent in most players’ game, and with a little guidance and understanding it is possible to successfully address these faults and make the necessary adjustments to ensure better quality of play.
The following are some of the more common pitfalls of the golf game and how they can be addressed:
An exaggerated twist - this does not in any way contribute positively to the eventual outcome of the swing made. Over twisting will only create the possibility of creating an off balanced swing which will change the direction of the swing thus causing a slice or a pull. It would be better to focus on better posture that will create the ideal pendulum for the perfect execution of a swing.
Missing the putt line - being able to visualize the putting line and making all the necessary adjustment to ensure the line estimated is followed as closely as possible is very important to eventually sinking the putt successfully.
Lack of acceleration - the importance of acceleration of the club through the eventual ball contact cannot be emphasized enough. Most players seem to hesitate on the down swing thus causing the decelerating percentage to be apparent and this eventually affects the overall results of the ball and club contact. This usually creates the scenario where the ball is scooped up high, instead to making a fairly straight trajectory movement. The key to gaining distance would be at the finish of the swing and not on the backswing.
Leg movements - this is another common pitfall of many golfers, as they seem unable to keep a firm and balanced stance position when attempting a backward swing. Once the body moves, the downward swing angle is changed, thus also effectively changing the course of the ball direction.