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Chapter 8: Playing Virtual Golf at its Best
Where virtual golf is concerned the consensus is if you have not played a golf video game in a while then you don’t know what you are missing. The simulated real life action is unbelievable, or better yet it is believable and that is even better!
Video games have come a long, long way and video golf is no exception. The newest gaming technology is available in the most remote corners of cyber space, video streaming and video games. And this technology can be all at your fingertips no matter your budget or skill level. Whether you are great at real time golf or are simply a novice, golf video games are good clean fun.
Tiger Woods PGA Tour Series is a dominating force in the new age of golf video games. In years past there were other games mentioned more frequently and a broader scope of golf video games, but just as Tiger Woods has become a force to be reckoned with in the real world of golf so has it become ‘the’ word in virtual golf.
The Tiger Woods Series has continually upgraded. Both the graphics and the difficulty have grown through the years so fans can be challenged with each new release. Whereas there is no need to buy this year’s game if you have last years you may want to anyway. Some gaming series are phenomenal but are stagnant in their growth and new releases. Tiger Woods PGA Tour Series does not disappoint.
Life-like features, unsurpassed graphics and amazing accuracy are among the reasons the popularity of video games have grown to accommodate staggering amounts of fans. Here again video golf is no exception. With Sid Meier’s SimGolf, in the true tradition of simulation, you can become a golf course magnate and design your own golf course.
You can also design your own resort community, serve as the head professional golf expert and sit back and watch your resort and business grow larger by the day.
These types of virtual gaming are the wave of the future. The popularity of golf has grown recently to encompass all types of income levels and all types of personalities and ages. This is due to many factors but the most important of which has to do with the increasing interests in certain potential golf legends in the making.
Truly what sport would be complete this day and age without a fantasy league to entertain the fans? Apparently not golf. Fantasy golf is available in video format and is just as riveting to manage and play as the real thing. Mario Golf is a golf video game and a great way to begin or continue your fantasy golf experience.
Entertainment purposes are the main reason video games exist and you are sure to be entertained by any golf video game you purchase, download, or play in an interactive format in your favorite gaming room online. Perhaps it is questionable whether mastering these virtual golf videos will actually improve your game in real time. After playing a few video golf games you have to agree doing so can cause some great fun.