Ebook Sample Content Preview:
- Calculating the Time to Complete a Goal—When you plan things, they very often take more time than your originally thought. Just ask anyone who is having their house remodeled and the contractor says six months tops to complete it, and a year later, they’re finally finished. Things happen that are out of your control sometimes.
Sometimes, for any number of reasons, things just don’t work out the way we plan. Things take longer to complete. When we don’t reach our goals by the target date of completion we set in our plan, it is very easy to give up. It can make you feel like a failure. Not reaching a goal in a specified time doesn’t mean you’re a failure. Knowing that ahead of time can help you calculate a time frame for your goal that’s reasonable.
Add a little extra time to your plan to make sure you have plenty of time to complete it. It will prevent you from feeling pressured to complete it. Reaching the goal itself may be difficult enough without the pressure. If you finish earlier, that’s great. You’ll feel extra good about yourself for finishing ahead of the scheduled target date. I’m not saying give yourself a year when it should take six months, but maybe give yourself seven or eight months to be sure.
- Failing to Appreciate Failures—Not being able to reach a goal happens sometimes. Does it hurt…sometimes it does. It’s definitely no fun, after all, no one likes to fail. The problem is that some people accept this failure as a sign that they are a failure.