Ebook Sample Content Preview:
In order to be truly successful, you first need to decide what it is you want to achieve. That is to say that you can’t very well get what you want in life until you have actually decided what precisely it is that you do want.
This is where goal setting comes in. In order to have a shot at living your life to the very fullest and achieving your full potential, you need to have a goal and you need to know what precisely it is that you want to accomplish.
Easy enough right?
Actually, there is an art to writing goals. There is a very definitive ‘right way’ and ‘wrong way’ to write a goal. And if you go about your goal setting in the wrong way, then you can actually reduce your chances of accomplishing those goals. That’s right: a bad goal will actively hinder your chances at success.
Conversely, if you write your goal in the correct way, then it can completely transform the likelihood of your being successful and help you to much more reliably carry out all of the necessary steps to execute your plan.
How do you go about getting a goal right? This comes down not only to the methodology and phrasing but also the content. Because there’s another scenario that can happen if you write your goals in the wrong manner: you can end up achieving those goals and then not actually being happy with what you’ve accomplished.
In this book, we’ll take a look at how you can go about writing the right goals and then seeing them through…
You will
How to know your life’s purpose
How to write your ‘mission statement’
How having a goal and purpose changes EVERYTHING and makes you more driven, more charismatic, more passionate and more
How to phrase goals to give yourself the best possible chance of completing them
How to maintain motivation and stick at your goals even when the going gets tough
How to create an action plan that fits with your lifestyle and routine
The power of visualization and how it helps you accomplish what you want
How to maximize your chances of achieving what you really want
What to do once you have successfully established your goals
By the end of this book, you’ll have a toolset that will enable you to easily look at your life, reflect on what you might want to change and then carry out the necessary steps to make that happen. You’ll be able to become exactly who you want to be and create precisely the lifestyle you want to lead. And when you’ve done all that, life will suddenly start to make a lot more sense.
Chapter 1: Setting Goals That You Will be Passionate About
No matter whether you’re reading a self-help book or a motivation poster, ‘don’t give up on your goals’ is about the most common lifestyle advice we hear. ‘Live your dreams’, ‘chase the rainbow’, ‘the sky is the limit’, ‘don’t give up’… we’ve heard it all a thousand times.
And this is a very nice platitude. It’s certainly true that we shouldn’t stop going after the things we want and we certainly can achieve anything we put our minds to.
So what’s the problem with this advice? Why does it fall flat? Why hasn’t it yet inspired most of us to get out there and become billion dollar rock stars and business owners?
The answer is that this is an empty platitude that misses out the most important points. We all know that we need to stick at our dreams. The harder part is knowing just how to select worthwhile dreams in the first place.
What if you don’t know what you want to be?
What if what you want to be is completely unrealistic?
What if two of your goals contradict one another?
Some people are fortunate enough to have one very clear goal. One passion that makes them truly happy. And this is something that makes it much easier for them to stay committed and dedicated.
An example of this might be someone who has always wanted to be a professional athlete and who therefore spends all their free time training to be the very best.
Another example might be someone who has always wanted to be a chiropractor, a marine biologist… you name it!
Whatever the case, these people have the opportunity to focus on their goals early on and to follow them through to completion.
But what if you don’t feel so passionately about any one job? What if you’re someone who kind of wants to be an athlete but would also like to wear a suit? What if you just want to live a quiet life but don’t want to be bored?
Or, what if you want to be an astronaut but you’re 40 and there’s very little chance of that happening realistically right now?
That’s what we need to figure out first and that’s what we’re going to do here…
Create a Mission Statement
The first thing you need to do is to find out what your passion is. This isn’t the same as your goal but it is important because it will help you to inform your goal.
That is to say that some people will naturally struggle to come up with a singular goal. To answer the statement: ‘I want to be…’ or ‘I want to achieve…’.
However, if you know what is important to you and what your passions are, then this can greatly help you to identify things you’d like to achieve and to execute them accordingly.
And this is very similar to the concept of a ‘mission statement’ in business. In business, a missions statement is a short sentence or phrase that describes the objective of a business. This is what will drive the brand, what will tie the company’s products together and what will generally help to guide their decision making processes.
The mission statement is not what the company does but why the company does it. A mission statement is not ‘to make lots of money selling computers’ but rather ‘to help people create more through beautiful tools’. That second statement is much more inspiring and it helps the company to know what really matters to them when they’re designing products or thinking about how best to market them.