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Goal Setting To Live A Life Of Freedom
The 7 Step Blueprint To Rewiring Your Mind For Success
Is it true that you can really achieve anything you want to in life? Of course the answer is ‘yes to a degree’. There are limitations on what we can accomplish sure but for the most part, we can definitely surprise ourselves when it comes to just what we can manage and that’s why it is so important to shoot for the stars. That’s why it’s so important to have a goal, to have a vision and to really go for it. Don’t let anyone tell you know and don’t give up when the going gets a little tough.
These are all nice platitudes. But what if you don’t know what it is that you want to achieve?
What if you have lots of goals?
Or what if your goal really is unachievable? It’s no good wishing that you were an astronaut if you’re in your 40s – that ship has sailed.
There are answers to all these problems though and it starts with knowing how to write goals. Once you know how to choose your battles, once you learn to know what you want and what your passion is, then you can start to actually make those things happen.
And once you know how to write goals properly, you’ll find that it’s much easier to execute on your goals and to follow them through to completion.
In short, writing goals correctly is the key that can unlock all of life’s riches. The good news? This is something that you can learn yourself. So, let’s dive in and see how you go about writing goals and then making them really happen…
It just takes 7 steps…
Step 1: Learn Your Passions
The first thing to do, is to learn where your passions lie. When we have a passion, it brings us to live. It animates us, it makes us more charismatic, more inspiring, more exciting to be around. Passionate people are leaders and they are innovators. Passionate people lead the charge while everyone else just follows behind.
So your first goal is to find that passion and that means you need to think hard about what makes you come alive.
Discard all the things you think that you’re supposed to like. Forget all the things you were told to go after in your life. And instead, ask yourself when you were last happiest. Ask yourself what you would spend your money on if you had a billion dollars. Ask yourself what you would do right now if you had nowhere you needed to be and no limitations.
Ask yourself when the last time you worked on a project was that really got you inspired. Ask yourself when you last felt enraged at the state of things and driven to fix them.
If you pick a goal that doesn’t speak to your passions, you won’t have the strength to go through with it. And if you do, then you’ll be disappointed with the outcome. This part is essential.
Step 2: Create a Vision
A vision is not the same thing as a goal but it’s a great foundation that you can use to build your goals on top of. So what is a vision?
Essentially, this is an abstract idea – an image of what you want your life to be like. You haven’t ironed out the details but you’re instead just picturing in your mind’s eye what life might be like in a perfect world.
Like I alluded to in the last paragraph, everyone is different. Some people are going to want to live in a massive house and be incredibly rich. Other people will see themselves as the author of a best-selling novel. Others will just want a quiet space to spend time with their family. These are all perfectly valid visions, so just sit down, close your eyes and then imagine what you want your life to be like from now. No expectation, no rules, just an image of what your perfect reality would look like.
Step 3: Write a Mission Statement
Now you’re going to take that vision and knowledge of your passions and use this to write a mission statement. This is a commitment that you are making to a certain type of lifestyle and a certain set of goals.
Companies have mission statements and these are distinct from their products or what they ‘do’. A mission statement should incorporate both what a company intends to do and also why it intends to do it.
So, a technology company might make computers but this is not the mission statement. The mission statement is the driving force behind that determination and the unifying set of principles that connect all their products.
A mission statement might therefore be something along the lines of ‘creating technology that allows people to create more and be more productive’. This is actually very similar to Microsoft’s mission statement.
Or the mission statement might be ‘to create beautiful, desirable technology that fits your personal style’.
Both these two mission statements work for technology companies but they paint a very different picture of the type of technology they produce and the reasons why they produce it. Moreover, you can imagine that the guiding principles in designing those products would be very different for the two companies.