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We all want to be successful and happy in our lives. We have dreams of what we want to accomplish and what we want to be remembered for. Those dreams can also be referred to as goals, achievements we want to reach so that we can achieve success, feel happiness, and gain new opportunities for greater achievements and success.
Virtually all of us have goals we want to reach, but many of us struggle with how to reach those goals, how to turn those goals into reality. Sometimes, it’s not easy to figure out how to reach lofty goals, looking as if it is toohard or impossible to reach those goals, letting the obstacles that stand in our way successfully block us from reaching those goals.
The key to achieving the most we can out of life and getting the most happiness from it is to turn our goals into reality. Many times, the loftiest goals that seem impossible to reach are much more achievable than we first think; we just have to break the steps down to reach that lofty goal into more manageable steps so that we realize the goal is certainly achievable.
In this book, you will learn why it is important to set goals. You will also learn the difference between short-term and long-term goals. You’ll also learn why it’s always important to write your goals down. To reach goals, you have to first define them, then prioritize them so that you can reach all of these goals in the most efficient manner possible. In addition, you’ll learn why you need to set specific goal deadlines. Finally, you’ll learn how to overcome and eliminate distractions that stand in your way of achieving your goals and learning to track your progress so that you can better manage and overcome distractions so you can achieve more of the goals that you set.
Chapter 1: The Importance Of Goal Setting
To achieve goals, you first have to set them. It’s much like driving to a destination; if you don’t determine where you are going, how are you going to get there? Therefore, you need to set goals that you want to achieve.
Many people who want to achieve goals are not as steadfast in settingthem. This is a mistake because, if you aren’t committed to setting goals, then you can wander around aimlessly in your actions, believing that you are getting closer to the goals you want when in reality, you are wasting time and energy that could be better utilized if you set the goal ahead of time.
Setting the goal before attempting to achieve it is important because it gives you a clear idea of what actions and steps you’ll need to take in order to achieve that goal. You’ll see how challenging the goal is, approximately in what time frame you can realistically expect to achieve the goal, and even see ways in which you can break the goal down into stages and steps that are more easily manageable and doable.
For instance, if you are wanting to lose 100 pounds, expecting to do that in one month is unrealistic; therefore, setting a goal of losing 100 pounds and really focusing on it will let you know that it will take a great deal of time and effort to do it. If you set that goal of losing 100 pounds,you can consider what steps you’ll have to take in order to achieve that goal-these steps can include eating less food overall, eating little or no nutrition-deficient food, and eating more of nutritious food. It can also include eating few to no snacksin between meals. Another step can be to drink more water and more drinks with little to no sugar in them. It also can include exercising more often and for longer durations.
As you can see, setting a goal can help you to break down the goal into more manageable steps and see what actions you need to take in order to achieve that goal. Thinking about losing 100 pounds can seem mind-boggling and virtually impossible to achieve, but if you actually set the goal of losing 100 pounds and really break down the steps needed to achieve that goal, you’ll begin to realize that there are actions you can take that can add up to where you will begin losing weight. Over time, you will lose more weight until you have lost the 100 pounds you want to lose.
This is why goal setting is so important. Many goals that seem impossible to achieve on the surface are actually quite doable when you actually set the goal and really look at what steps are needed to achieve it. If you are wanting to get a college degree in aspecific field, but have never taken a college course before, you may think you don’t have what it takes to get that degree. Yet, if you really set the goal of attaining that degree and break down the steps needed to attain that degree, you’ll see that you are fully capable of attaining that degree by following the steps and actions needed to attain it. Yes, it may take many steps and time to do it, but it’s certainly doable if you are willing to put the time and effort into doing the tasks needed to getthat degree.
As you set a goal and really analyze what it will take to attain it, you will often see that the goal can be broken down into several stages with many steps in each stage. Each of these steps and stages can be termed as a short-term goal versus the overall long-term goal you wish to achieve (such as losing 100 pounds or attaining that college degree). You will learn more about the differences between short-term and long-term goals in the next chapter.
Chapter 2: Short-Term Vs Long-Term Goals
In the last chapter, you learned about the importance of goal setting, specifically when it comes to actually committing to a goal and seeing what will be involved in order to reach that goal. While breaking down a goal, you will often see that there are sections or stages of tasks that need to be completed in order to attain that goal. These sections or stages of tasks can be labeled as short-term goals, while the overall goal is your long-term goal.
A short-term goal is a step or accomplishment thathelps to bring you closer to your long-term goal. For instance, in the last chapter we talked about wanting to lose 100 pounds. If you lose 5 pounds, that can be considered a step or accomplishment toward your long-term goal of losing 100 pounds, since you only need to lose 95 more pounds to reach your long-term goal of losing 100 pounds. Every 5 pounds you lose brings you that much closer to your long-term goal of losing 100 pounds.
Similarly, if you want to earn a college degree, but have never takena college course before, passing the entrance requirements to enter a college you want to enter can be considered a short-term goal, since you have achieved a stage or step that helps to bring you closer to your long-term goal of earning a college degree.
It’s important when setting lofty long-term goals that you break down the goal into smaller steps or stages that enable you to set short-term goals. Setting short-term goals is key for several reasons. One reason is that you can attain short-term goals more quickly than long-term goals. You can lose 5 pounds quicker than you can lose 100 pounds, and you can pass a college entrance exam quicker than you can earn a college degree.