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Once you finish setting up your Mini Give Away event (which can be easily done under 24 hours) and recruiting a minimum of 10 to 20 JV partners, the only chores to do before and after your Give Away event is to add contributed gifts to your Give Away event web page and push your JV partners to promote the event.
1-2 Days before Your Mini Give Away Event Starts
At this time, some partners probably have already submitted their gifts while others have not. You will do well to remind those “late-comers” to quickly send in their gifts as the launch date draws nearer.
Remind the late partners that it takes only less than 5 minutes of their time to do this even though they might be busy. Hint: “It’s only 5 minutes of your time! C’mon!”
On the Day Your Mini Give Away Event Starts
This is the day your heart probably beats at a faster rate, especially if it’s your first time running your very own Mini Give Away event!
Broadcast an email letter to your JV partners in your JV Partners Notification List and tell them to start promoting the Mini Give Away event to their mailing lists!
Be sure to provide them an endorsement letter template for them to conveniently copy and paste for their own endorsement efforts. Alternatively, you can provide a link to a page where you store all the promotion materials such as banners, sponsor ads, eCovers, and such.
Assuming you run your event for say, 7 days, you should remind your JV partners in between and on the last day of the event to continue endorsing their list for maximum effect.
Attention: You might receive subscriber and visitor mails from time to time so be sure to attend to them a.s.a.p. Among the common problems can be that some of the gifts are not available or the page is temporarily down due to traffic congestion (which is why I said earlier that GOOD web hosting is important!).