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Adding Gratitude Into Your Life
Saying thank you is something that is drilled into all of us at a young age. How many times did your mom nag at you to write thank you notes after you opened your birthday presents? Yet, because we do it so often, it sometimes becomes automatic. We rarely think about what being grateful really means. How does gratitude make a difference in your life? Why is it so important?
In this book, we look more closely at the important role gratitude has to play in transforming our lives. It can touch every element of your being, from your social and working life to your mental and physical health. It may seem impossible to think that letting thankfulness into your life can be so revolutionary, but it can make you happier, improve your relationships and even make you more successful.
Are you ready to learn more about the transformative powers of thankfulness? Then read on to find out all you need to know.
Chapter 1: What Does Gratitude Really Mean?
When you think of the word “gratitude” what comes to mind? Do you automatically think of saying thank you when someone holds the door open for you? Or feeling grateful when somebody gives you a birthday gift? While those thinks do come under the gratitude umbrella, this isn’t the kind of gratitude we’re talking about in this book.
Here, we’re talking about the transformative type of thankfulness that can totally change your life and give you a whole new perspective on the world.
Gratitude – Just A Fashionable Word?
Even if you give the idea of gratitude a little more thought than the average person, you may still fail to grasp the importance of being thankful. We hear a lot these days about being grateful so much so, that gratitude is starting to become nothing more than just a buzz word with little or no meaning. If the whole idea of being grateful has lost all relevance to you, it’s time to look again, go back to the drawing board, and redefine the meaning of the word.
Not Just For Holidays And Gifts
If you’re in danger of only linking thankfulness with holidays and gift-giving, it’s time to look again at the entire concept of gratitude.
So, what does it really mean to feel grateful? Living a life filled with gratitude means, essentially, that you’re choosing to spend your time focusing on the things that you appreciate most. That doesn’t mean that you have to block out any difficulties that you encounter or problems that you’re facing. However, it does mean that you can learn how to approach such difficulties from a whole new viewpoint.
Feeling appreciative can soften you and soothe your mind. It helps you to connect with the things and the people around you, both large and small, that all too often we end up taking for granted.
The key to a thankful and transformed life is to look at the little things rather than focusing on the big ones. Often, the challenges we face can feel entirely overwhelming and they become the center of our universe. Yet, that’s where unhappiness lies. Often, the biggest problems are the ones that we can do little about or that take the longest time to put right. Spending all your time focusing on these things can only lead to unhappiness and dissatisfaction.
Instead, implement some gratitude. Overlook those huge issues you’re trying to overcome. Instead, narrow it down to the little blessings that you’ve experienced on a daily basis. Something as simple as a sunny day or receiving a card from a loved one in the mail can make you feel grateful, and when you’re feeling thankful, your whole body responds positively. You feel lighter, warmer and happier.
Expressing that gratitude changes your outlook and makes you feel better, even in the face of challenges. Simply put, gratitude helps us to see that not everything is awful all of the time. Even in times of trouble there are little sparks of light that can make you feel better, even if only for a while.
However, developing gratitude is a skill, and like any skill, it takes practice to get it right. That’s why you’re going to learn how to introduce thankfulness practice into your life so that you can experience the many and varied benefits it brings.
Chapter 2: Gratitude Practice – An Overview
So, now you know roughly what gratitude means, but how does it look when put into practice? In this chapter, we look at how thankfulness can manifest itself in your life.
Why Introduce Gratitude Practice Into Your Life?
Gratitude has strong links to life satisfaction and good mental health. People who are grateful experience more enthusiasm, love and joy. They also have better protection from emotions that have a destructive impact like bitterness, greed and envy.
Not only that, but gratitude can reduce your lifetime risk of developing a substance abuse disorder, anxiety or depression. It can also help those suffering from these issues and many other conditions find healing and closure. Being thankful helps you to understand that there is goodness out there, even if you’re suffering or uncertain.
Gratitude isn’t just an uplifting and warm feeling; it can also benefit your body. People who introduce gratitude practice into their lives cope more effectively with stress, enjoy better physical health and recover more rapidly from illnesses.
Even better, gratitude extends beyond you. When you experience gratitude, it reaches past you into your wider social circle. Gratitude has the power of inspiring others to act more kindly, and it can strengthen your bond with others around you. People who are grateful are more likely to be viewed as trustworthy, optimistic, outgoing and helpful. These are valuable characteristics that draw others to you and help you forge positive and strong relationships.