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Chapter 10: Making Resolutions for Organization
The present year is about to end and just like other people; you want to make yourself better for the next one. If you want to be a more organized individual for the coming year then you should start making organizing resolutions that will stick. The start of another year is also the best time for renewing or making a dedication to get all things in order.
However, promising to be organized could be overwhelming and unattainable just like the other forms of resolutions for New Year. This time, you better set aside your guilt and fear of disappointment then think of organizing resolutions which will stick. Please consider the following steps:
Concentrate on Your Reason First
What encourages you to learn how to be good in terms of organizing? Every person who aims for this may come up with various reasons. For instance, it can be disappointment because of spending more time every day in searching for all stuffs you require or you lose more of your money because you pay penalties for your overdue utility bills.
Regardless of the reasons you have, just keep them within your mind starting today and in the coming days, weeks and months. Making a sticky note about them is also a good idea. You can attach this note on the door of your refrigerator, on your desk or to where you can see them every day.