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Chapter 1: The Importance of Energy Management
I’ve just spent the whole introduction waxing lyrical on the importance of time and why you need to make sure you are managing it wisely and giving yourself lots of it. Now it’s time to reassess that for a moment and explain that actually, in many ways, time management isn’t as important as you think.
Or at least that is to say that there are other factors at play here and some of them play a much larger role than you might expect.
In particular, one of those factors is energy. Your energy is tied closely to your time but the two are still distinct and you still need to consider them independently.
Because arguably, you could say that you actually have a lot of time. Most of us have a lot of time anyway; otherwise how did you manage to watch that entire boxset of your favorite TV series recently? When did you squeeze in watching all that junk TV?
And even the busiest of us usually find time for sleep!
The point here is that time management only works so far without energy management. If you don’t manage your energy, then you’ll find that you’re coming home and feeling completely wiped out at the end of the day. You probably have ample time to work out, to learn, to play with your family; you are probably just so busy at work and with everything else that you can’t use that time productively.
This is why we end up crashing in front of the TV and it’s why we don’t live life to the fullest! Unfortunately, this then goes on to make us even tireder and less energetic because our bodies adapt and become much less efficient. This literally happens; our cells lose their number of mitochondria and become less adept at converting glucose into useable energy.