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Discover what anguish and joy you want.
First of all, I'd to like offer that while you're reading this book your problem gambling is like a tiger outside the door, doing press-ups. So even if you believe you’d like to change, or ought to change, or will change soon, but not now, then as soon as you put this book down and walk out that door, that tiger will go with you wherever you go and might tear you from limb to limb at anytime it selects to do so.
Not a pretty sentiment, but we have to be clear-cut here, problem gambling is no beauty contestant fighting for world peace and this isn't a beauty pageant. Problem gambling is the demon, in the form of a tiger, that's working out, right now and tapering its claws and teeth awaiting the un-motivated, or, the somewhat motivated to venture out. That's its sustenance. The one and only beast they fear is the wholly motivated.
I, like you had stated to myself 100s of times before that I wanted to stop gambling but I never did. I now know the formula to stopping problem gambling and if I stick to it, like you, it may become a thing of the past. If you may successfully complete all of the following steps then your want to becoming problem gambling free may be a living, breathing truth.
Okay, so now I’m going to make a list of all the things that will happen to me over the next 2 years if I don’t give up\ quit gambling. You may follow me mentally or make your own list as we go through it.