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Chapter 6: Juicing For Anti-aging
Juicing is not the new fad to combat natural aging processes. If makes sense to opt for this healthier and cheaper yet no less effective way of starving off the aging process.
Staying Younger
Juicing benefits the body as it provides the combination of all the essential vitamins, minerals, amino acids, essential fatty acids, and enzymes.
These fruits and vegetable that are usually used in the juicing process are also power packed with anti aging and life preserving elements, thus the choice made to incorporate regular juicing exercises would benefit greatly.
The antioxidants and substances that neutralize the free radicals in the system ideally provide the possibility of having good anti aging benefits.
A diet rich with vitamins and minerals is the key factor to fighting against the aging process and one of the most pleasant ways of doing this is through the juicing exercise.
Brightly colored fruits and vegetables are especially beneficial for the anti aging fight. Fruits such as oranges, cherries, tangerines, apples, blueberries, cranberries, melons, bananas, grapes, berries, kiwi, and mangoes are all know for the anti aging properties.
These can be taken in combinations or separately, whichever is suitable for the individual’s palate. When it comes to vegetable there is the abundant choice of carrots, squash, red and green cabbages, broccoli, spinach which are just as beneficial for their anti aging properties too.
Apple carrot detox - 1 apple, 1 slice of ginger, 1 carrot, V2 cup or water. Its excellent properties that creates healthy skin and eliminates toxin form the body is the reason this juice is a popular choice for many.
Cholesterol burner - 1 apple, V2 cucumber, 4 stalks of celery, V2 cup of water. This juice is a good controller of high cholesterol levels in the body system and also helps to fight against upset stomachs, besides the more obvious anti aging properties it carries.
Chapter 7: Juicing For Detoxification
The juicing process is ideal for detoxification of the body system, as it enhances the enzymes, vitamins and mineral absorption which in turn greatly benefits the immune system.
Juicing organic vegetables and fruits which are rich in nutrients will help to cover the cells in the body with the alkaline juices released from these juicing concoctions whereby acids are released and toxins can be removed through various elimination channels in the body.
The parts of the body that play an important role in filtering such toxins would include the lungs, kidneys, skin and other functions like urinary and bowel movements.
The enzymes released from these juices also help the digestive processed where the proteins break down the foods into nutrients and this is an important function as most adults have already used up their natural digestive enzymes by the age of 30.
Therefore the outside aid that the juices provide is definitely beneficial to the digestive process as it is pivotal in the detoxifying regiment the body naturally enlists.
When the body is full of toxins it is unable to absorb the nutrients that are available in the natural intake of regular foods, thus the need for these added juices to assist in the breakdown of the toxins to cleanse the body and carry the appropriate amount to oxygen and nutrients directly to the cell and tissues.
Some of the ideal ingredients to use in the juicing process for detoxifying would include lettuce, dark green kale, carrots, beet greens, cilantro, parsley, celery sticks, collard greens, endive, spinach, dandelion greens, cabbage both purple and green and lemons.
Some people who practice this detoxifying regiment periodically attest to the fact that they no longer have cravings for sweetened foods and they can keep to a regular and healthy diet without any struggles. This is probably due to the fact that the body is able to function at its optimum because of the detoxifying sessions.
Chapter 8: Social Marketing
It has already been established that juicing is a very healthy exercise to practice. This is also one of the contributing factors that ensure the individual’s chances of developing any medical problems are considerably lessened. By lowering the risk of having diseases the juicing habit has proven to be one that everyone should consider for its merits.
Staying Healthy
There are several very specific combinations that can be used regularly of create the ideal effects within the body system that allow it to resist any possible occurrences of diseases.
One of which, is drinking a beetroot combination, as this is said to dramatically reduce the risks of heart disease, strokes, Alzheimer’s and dementia.
The bright red juice contains the chemical nitrate which dramatically reduces blood pressure for almost everyone taking this remedy.
Another juice combination is the one with pomegranate content which is pivotal in lowering cardiovascular risks, however this should be taken with care as the potassium content is rather high. Tomato juice combinations are also supposed to help lower heart diseases and control diabetic symptoms.
Other benefits from consuming tomato juice would include the resistance to developing chronic diseases like cancer and coronary heart disease. This can be avoided because of the carotenoid content called lycopene which is richly found in tomatoes.
Some of the ingredients that can be used to combat or at least lower the risks of diseases would include broccoli, Brussels sprouts, butter squash, cabbage, Chinese broccoli, kale, spinach, parsley, collards greens, mustards green, chard, beetroot, carrots, cauliflower, cucumber, green pepper, sweet potatoes, lettuce and celery.
Regular combinations of these juices will help to keep the chemical balance in the body system which in turn will allow the body to perform at its prime thus effectively avoiding any diseases.
Chapter 9: Juicing For Stress Relieving
Almost everyone adult and child alike has experienced bouts of stress at various points in their daily life. For most, this is taken in stride until it is no longer possible to do so, and when this happens it almost always affects the health conditions.
Fruit and vegetable juices have long been known for their stress relief and relaxation properties. Therefore taking the time to explore this healthy alternative to popping pill to relieve stress is certainly worth the effort.
Apple, cherry and blueberry ingredients have been known to be good health boosting elements where the flavonoid can facilitate better lung functions and with this optimum breathing position the ideal amounts of oxygen is then able to be circulated well with the body system thus relieving any internal pressures felt when stress levels are high and this eventually helps to lower the stress levels.