Tired of not getting your emails delivered?
Brand New Over-The-Shoulder Video Series On How To Get Your Email Inbox Better With Sendgrid.
You know it already – it’s getting harder to get better Email inboxing these days!
There is an endless battle going on between the spammers and the ISP companies for several years now and we, the little guys, are caught in the middle of it.
This is hurting our business every day.
The issue is real.
Gmail, MSN, Yahoo and many more are constantly blocking emails from IP addresses and consequently we’re not getting our emails delivered.
So what’s the solution to our problem?
Improve Your Delivery By Protecting Your IP Address
Tablet Verify InboxThe solution is actually very simple.
Start moving your leads away from the usual email management platform providers like Aweber, Getresponse, and others.
Get your own private sending IP address when sending emails to your list.
You can now protect your IP and prevent other people from using it.
But that sounds complex isn’t it?
But don’t worry – it used to be, but not anymore.
Sendgrid Simplifies Everything.
Sendgrid offers world-class deliverability expertise to make sure your emails get delivered.
You can now focus on other areas of your campaign such as knowing your customers and improving your business using the data provided by the platform.
Most people pay a lot of money to get third-party tools that can provide deliverability expertise, Sendgrid makes everything available.
Awesome Results. Fast. Easy.
The advantage with Sendgrid is that you do not need anything to get started and hit the ground running.
Sendgrid will simplify the email delivery process for you. It filters the bad leads and remove them for you.
And best of all, it makes sure your emails are delivered.
It only takes a few minutes to set everything up and get started.
Why You Need To Get Started Now:
- Sendgrid has robust analytics that makes for excellent minute tracking.
- Gain access to top quality deliverability expertise on Sendgrid.
- Sendgrid is a cloud-based email solution that fits all budgets.
- Sendgrid is designed to help businesses achieve maximum growth.
- Sendgrid is customizable system that can be tweaked to suit your business needs.
And the list goes on and on.
Using Sendgrid will bring your business to the next level and that is why I decided to come up with this unique over the shoulder video series to get you started very quickly with it.
Get Better Inboxing With Sendgrid
How To Harness The Power Of Sendgrid To Get Your Email Inbox
There’s nothing like this video series.
Watch as I show you how to get started on Sendgrid and get your email inbox using simple and proven techniques.
I reveal my best tips for using some unknown tactics that only a few elite few knows. You get to see everything. I explain everything to you.
There will be no guesswork.
All you need is just a short hour of your time to learn everything and you’d be ready to get started with it instantly.
Here’s What You’ll Discover Inside The Basic Video Training:
- Learn how to get started with Sendgrid and discover how it’s going to help your business overall.
- How to correctly set up your Sendgrid Account within just a few minutes.
- How to configure your account properly with the right settings.
- Learn the easiest way to use the Email Activity features for maximum results.
- Learn the how to filter your activity feeds and understand email events.
- How to set up your autoresponder software and link it to sendgrid.
- Harness the power of sendgrid API to optimize your marketing results.
- What are bounces and how to configure it in sendgrid so you never have to worry about it again.
- How to best use sendgrid for your transactional emails.
- The dos and don’ts of using sendgrid and what you need to know about it.
The basic package includes 20 videos
Here they are:
- Video #1: SendGrid Course Overview
- Video #2: Pricing and Billing
- Video #3: Account Details and Settings
- Video #4: Sendgrid for Transactions
- Video #5: Creating Transactional Templates
- Video #6: Whitelabeling
- Video #7: Custom Footers
- Video #8: Event Notification
- Video #9: Other Mail Settings
- Video #10: Sendgrid For Marketing
- Video #11: Unsubscribe Groups
- Video #12: Sender Identities
- Video #13: Contacts
- Video #14: Campaigns
- Video #15: Templates
- Video #16: Authentication
- Video #17: Tracking and Reputation
- Video #18: Supressions and Reputation
- Video #19: Research
- Video #20: Conclusion and Statistics
This is such an amazing offer,how much for all this?
Many people that try to figure things out on their own end up wasting a lot of time and get frustrated and end up with nothing.
That’s because they spin their wheels, follow bad advice, and just don’t get the right roadmap to success.
This video series will prevent that from happening… When you invest in this training today, you watch as I do it… and you replicate it.
It’s THAT simple.
And without wasting too much of your precious time, I’m going to make this offer so good that you simply cannot miss this.
That’s it. You get everything I promise above.
To get instant access, all you have to do is click the button below…