Nickel & Dime Your Way To A Better Looking Website With Our Easy To Use Graphics ...Now You Can Look Great And Keep More Money In Your Pocket!
"Some of these graphics can easily go from $7 to $97 when ordered individually...now you can GET AMAZING GRAPHICS AT GARAGE SALE PRICES!
RE: Garage Sale Graphics
If you still haven't gotten around to using professional graphics on your websites, now's your chance. Whether you haven't had the money to invest or you just don't think they're that important...I have a solution that eliminates both those excuses. What's the solution? GARAGE SALE GRAPHICS!
So what exactly are GARAGE SALE GRAPHICS?
Over the past year, I created 7 info products and minisites. During that process, I created a lot of graphics for use in those sites. Not to mention some graphics I started making for a graphics package that never got finished! Yes, even I can get side tracked and lose my focus, but aren't we all guilty of that?
To make a long story short, I recently blew the dust off my hard drive and cleaned it of miscellaneous files and folders. That's when I stumbled across this collection of cool graphics that I totally forgot about! Some were made custom for my minisites and some were from graphics I started and never finished.
Now you can take advantage of my "slacker" attitude and grab my "GARAGE SALE GRAPHICS" PACKAGE! This collection of professional images will improve the look of your website and convert more of your visitors into customers.